David Brooks, the token Republican at the NYTimes, tore Romney a new one this morning in an op-ed. I don’t know that his criticisms are all that new (e.g., Romney is a flip-flopper and best friend of the wealthy), but to hear it from a conservative is an intriguing change.
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Huckabee wins Iowa w/34%. Romney, despite pouring money into his campaign, got only 25%.
David Brooks doesn’t count.
I think madhousewife is being facetious, a parody on apols who use various methods to discount criticisms of detractors.
am i correct, mh?
Money can’t buy you Love.
If MR doesn’t do well in NH, he’ll be discounted further & other Repubs (nonMos, that is) will urge him to pull out (like that metaphor!) for the sake of unity.
That’s when he personally with either comply & get – save a tad of respect from the party faithful… -or- he will brand himself a loose cannon.
I’d like to write ‘more later’, but I don’t think there will be much more re MR/presidential politics. He’s a gonner.
Millenial Star has a post up on this indicating that Ohio may not be as big a show of strength for Huck as is thought. Mainly because Huck can’t count on the same sort of Evangelical support in NH as in OH, which is where his voters came from.
Romney built a great campaign organization. He was a great fundraiser. In other words, everything that can be managed was superb.
Mitt Romney’s message, however, was a disaster. He is correct that he had to run to the right during the primary but it amounts to rhetorical suicide if you share different messages with different audiences.
You have to settle on a message and then adapt the presentation to different audiences.
Romney’s message is so riddled with contradictions that people don’t trust him anymore. While Romney has told us boldly that he wants to be President of the United States, I am not sure that he has told us why we would want him to be our president.
If Romney had looked inside himself and related his values to the challenges at hand, I am sure that he could have told a more compelling and sincere story about America’s future.
Mitt Romney is losing because he has been pandering. He has been pandering because he is afraid.
There are many dimensions to the Mormon experience. Fearing rejection at the hands of non-Mormons seems to be a typical mindset among many legacy Mormons.
In that sense, Romney’s campaign represents a larger lesson for our community.
Somehow the Mormon Church is at fault for pretty much everything, right Hellmut?
No, John. The LDS Church is not at fault for everything. However, the Mormon cosmogony features certain pathologies, most prominently authoritarianism, which pervade every aspect of our culture.
Unfortunately, that affects also the good aspects of Mormonism such as strong communal identity.
If my ‘Super Tuesday’ hunch is correct, the hook is around MR’s neck.
He’s throwing arrows at MHuckabee, blaming for his poor showing/results. at10:00 EST, Cali results aren’t in or close, but MR has come in third is a few states so far if I recall correctly.
Speculation is that McCain & Huck are buddies, and Mc might offer Huck the VP nod… that (IMHO) would take the COBs favorite off the map (refer to my earlier predictions).
too bad, Mitt.