Oops, looks like BYU’s Daily Universe made a little boo-boo in the caption, upgrading the Quorum of the twelve to “apostate” status. Hat tip Miguel. BYU News Net explains the error here.
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They’re only speaking the truth. Not one of them has more than a single wife. Disgraceful! 😉
lol, good point! 😉
The article is pretty funny too. I can’t tell if these folks are kidding or not:
Sorry, a spelling error in a photo caption can “harm your church”? Wha…?
My favourite quote was,
Some people have no sense of humour.
Can’t wait to see what the Student Review does with this. Should be a hoot.
I’m guessing a crossword puzzle in which all the correct answers are all ungodly typos of the apostle/apostate variety.
Craig — Wow, that is too funny! “We ourselves are offended as a department for this error.” They can’t be serious! Folks, it’s a typo! lol
Chino — lol, does the Student Review still exist?
Apparently these are selling for good money on Ebay.
chanson – yes, in our hearts, no?
Christopher — I don’t doubt it! 😀
Chino — So true! Actually, I’m on the SR alums mailing list, and they’re making jokes about possible alternate quorums (quora?), eg. the Quorum of the Twelve Pastas, etc. 😉
“We don’t think this error is glib or cute or humorous.”
I do. (Think it’s cute and humorous, I mean. I don’t know where that “glib” came from.)