You may have seen that Times and Seasons elected Harry Reid “Mormon of the Year” for 2009. Then — not to be outdone — BCC created the Boggs-Doniphan “Gentile of the Year” Award, and awarded it to Stephen Colbert. Well, it’s time for Main Street Plaza to get into the game!!
Suggested by our own Chino Blanco — who also provided the fabulous graphic! — Main Street Plaza will be hosting the 2009 X-Mormon of the Year Award.
Before we start the election, we need to make a couple of decisions. First of all, what should the award be for? Should it be the exmo who has had the biggest impact in general in 2009? Or should it be the exmo who has had the biggest impact on Mormonism in 2009 (like William Law, who is a bit of a footnote in the grand scheme of history, but who had a pretty big impact on Mormon history)? Or something else?
Second of all, we need to collect the nominations! I’ve thought of a handful, but I’m sure I’m missing some obvious ones:
** Reed Cowan, for his work on 8: The Mormon Proposition, premiering at Sundance. He was actually nominated for “Mormon of the Year,” but I think he qualifies for this contest as well, right? Or is he still a member in good standing?
** Heather Armstrong, a.k.a. Dooce (also cribbed from the T & S nominations). She was named one of the 30 most influential women in media and also published her second book in 2009.
** Brian Keith Dalton, a.k.a. Mr. Diety. He has confirmed a few times (including here) that He’s a former Mormon. In 2009, He and His team produced the third season of Their series on Their own.
** Chad Hardy, for Hot Mormon Muffins. I think Hardy gets bonus points for actually getting X’ed because of his work, and for the fact that BYU refused him his transcripts.
So what do you think? And who else should be nominated?
BTW, I hate to push my luck, but, while you’ve got your graphic designer hat on…
How about a “Mormon Alumni Association” logo?
Actually, since much of the ex-post-mormon discussion goes on in forum-space, I think I’ll contact the admins of the various fora and ask if it’s OK for me to post a thread about our awards, to encourage those guys to add their nominations and vote. I think it would be a fun way to encourage more interaction among the various online groups.
“Wait . . . Seth is a TBM?”
Yes Seth is TBM, He should get his own award for continuing to come to this sight and commenting. I was joking about that nomination.
This is the only place I get any XMO news. I am otherwise oblivious about influential x-Mormons.
So true. He can be aggravating some of the time, but I’m sure we aggravate him as well. And it’s great to have him come by to keep the conversation interesting. π He’ll certainly be on the nomination list for the “Fawns” or “Janes” or “Spawns of Brodie” — whatever award the Mormon Alumni Association settles on.
Another vote for Dustin Lance Black. Milk + the Oscar speech = Swoon!
Anybody else getting antsy to start the voting already?
@51: re Mormon Alumni Assoc. logo – I can produce a send-up of the BYU alum logo @ … but I need help riffing on their motto “Connected for Good” … suggestions?
Nevermind, I’ve made an executive decision re the MAA logo …
Mormon Alumni Association
“Gone for Good”
Well I’m glad you guys know what I am.
Because I was pretty dang confused about it myself.
Miss Meyers, I had forgotten all about that “scandal.” It’s still hilarious. Thanks for linking it!
Already? Normally, I’d suggest collecting nominations for about a week (for the benefit of people read here only infrequently).
Here’s a proposed schedule:
For the Wm. Law award, we keep the nominations open until Monday, and then start the vote on Tuesday. Allow people one week to vote, then close the poll and announce the winner.
Meanwhile, we open nominations for blogging/Internet awards on Thursday, and hold the vote the following Thursday, again allowing votes for one week.
ProfXM — if you know how to set up a cafe press shop, maybe you could start working on that, and coordinate with Chino on the designs. Then we’ll have a T-shirt ready to send to the winner!
Seth et. al.
I nominate y’all for my own personal “clarifying Wayne’s Karma award” for continually keeping me on the clarifying Karma path. (don’t ask me what clarifying Karma means….It could be sort of like clarifying butter with the end result being ghee.
Seriously though, this site is a constant reminder to me that no one experiences anything in exactly the same way.
Cool! I’ve never seen anyone’s Karma turn into ghee before. π
It happens, especially if you drive it around in a circle really fast…..(or is that Karmen Gia……?)
Skipping over some of the comments, I think Dustin Lance Black is a wonderful nominee for the X-Mormon of the year.
I also have to say that I’d prefer the winner to be the one who had the biggest influence overall during the year, not just the biggest influence on Mormonism. Just my opinion.
And thanks, Chino, for coming over to my blog and prodding me to get my butt over here and see what’s going on. I’ve been sick and haven’t been on much the past week and a half or so.
Dustin Lance Black. His success with Milk and that beautiful acceptance speech at the Academy Awards continue to inspire.
A Woman From Utah Accuses Mormon Prophet Of Attempted Rape!
I can’t see any other way to contact you. I’m the V.P. of the Exmormon Foundation, and have been Pres. 3 times also (not because I’m so wonderful, we just have a very few people who want to be involved in running the Foundation). π Anyway…..What’s the chance of you including our logo on your Front page, along with the others you have there? Actually, Micah McAllister, whose Life After Mormonism is featured is one of our Board members. Would love to be included.
Sue Emmett
Aso Chair of our yearly Conference (Oct. 1-12, 2014)
@69 Hi Sue — sounds great!
My email is chanson dot exmormon at gmail dot com. It’s on the “welcome” page (link in the tab below the masthead), but I need to add a “contact” page or something, because people frequently have trouble finding it.
I will email you.