I came across this article in the Advocate that lays out the following argument: since the majority of Americans don’t think think gay/lesbian intimacy is morally wrong or sinful (based on a 2010 poll), we now to need to allow for some discrimination and relinquish the ‘zero tolerance’ mind-set. In…
My last post: Gay Trees and Gadianton Robbers gotseveral comments on my own blog. One, which I took from an email that was sent by a former classmate in high school, was pretty forceful. You can see the original post, and my response in the comments section here. I am…
In case you haven’t seen it, PBS’s Religion and Ethics Newsweekly (a show I regularly watch because I’m geeky like that) is running a story on the Mormon-owned, $1.5 billion+ new retail center in SLC – City Creek Center. This exchange between Lucky Severson and a UofU professor from the…
“Please church, tell me what to do so I don’t have to make decisions for myself and so that your sheep will like my policies and re-elect me.”
If you’ve ever wondered what theocracy looks like in practice, Part 2: