Jason Chaffetz, Utah Congressman, is sponsoring the Community Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness Act. The proposed legislation will allow states to prohibit consumers from ordering wine from out of state wineries. In this article, the author and the respondents discuss local versus interstate commerce and to what extent whether Chaffetzs legislation is designed to benefit big business. It is interesting that no one made the connection between Utahs already extreme attempts to control the distribution and consumption of alcohol, and how the Act might provide them additional leverage in assuring that Utah residents will be neither weary nor faint when they walk and run. Or is that too cynical a take on Congressman Chaffetzs motives?
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H.R.1161 – Community Alcohol Regulatory Effectiveness Act of 2011
Wine Drinkers Beware: Congress Could Limit Your Consumption
Sounds like SCOTUS got it right last time around in Granholm v. Heald and Chaffetz is just being the tool that he’s always been.