What Can I Say…I Am Still Gay!
The Bishop has also violated my confidentiality, and told several people that I am Gay, including the Stake President, and the Elder’s Quorum President. And who knows who else he has told, and how many they have told, and how many they have told, and so on and so forth. Now much of the Ward knows, and they gossip behind my back, I know this, because my friends, (the ones I’m not supposed to have), tell me so. I have had 30 other Bishops in my lifetime, and not one of them has ever broken confidentiality before, at least not without my permission, and most bishops never ask for permission to do that. But this was not the reason for telling the bishop in the first place. I wanted understanding and compassion, and maybe some help with my feelings and heartache; like most bishops give, but, I never received any comfort or help. Instead I was betrayed and caused much more pain and heartache. Now this has become the most hurtful thing that has ever happened to me in the church, even worse than my excommunication. The bishop has overstepped his bounds in my opinion and he has gone against Church doctrine and policy as well; because I was not doing anything wrong! Anyway, I did not appreciate being “outted†by him, which is something that I should decide to do, or not to do, myself. 😉 J This Bishop was not critical of me until I “came out†to him, then he began to treat me unfairly and not help me anymore and cut me off. After the Bishop told the Elder’s Quorum President, (Brother George), he also started treating me badly.
My Bishop, along with Boyd K. Packer, say that I am a Perverted Person and a Deviant Person, and that I am a Predator of the young and vulnerable. 😮 (YEAH RIGHT L NOW I AM REALLY INSULTED!). They say that I and other Gays try to recruit others into the lifestyle. This is not true because it cannot be done, and every gay person knows this to be true. They go on to say that I am Wrong, Lustful, Dangerous, Destructive, Not Desirable, Unnatural, Abnormal, Immoral, Unseemly, and an Affliction. Also they say that I Have Vile Affections, I Am a Sick Individual, I Am Of the Devil, I am Sinful, and that I am involved in Moral Mischief and other Transgressions. These are all very negative words and amount to Verbal Gay-Bashing by an Apostle and a Bishop; and even Dallin H. Oaks, of the Twelve says this is verbal gay-bashing also, and I agree; and no one else has disagreed, so far.
Now, on October 4th 2010 Elder Packer is calling same-sex attraction “impure and unnatural†and claiming that “it can be corrected,†(it cannot be corrected at all!!), and he says that “same-sex marriage is immoral.â€Â Packer’s inaccurate and dangerous rhetoric comes on the heels of the suicides of at least seven gay teenagers that we know of; all victims of anti-gay bullying or harassment. An additional seven more gay teens committed suicide this year, three of which were the result of anti-gay bullying as well. Elder Packer must learn that Words Have consequences, particularly when they come from a faith leader. These are exactly the kind of statements that can lead some kids to bully others, and still others to commit suicide. It also emotionally devastates those who are LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender] or those who may be struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s both inaccurate and very, very dangerous. Packer should know better than this, he being immersed into this subject, and he must know how such talks cause suicides. Gay people are 3 to 8 times more likely to commit suicide than straight kid’s, ages 14-24 years old. And Mormon gay boys are higher in suicide than anyone in the country, especially in Utah, California and Idaho (Mormon states).
NOM board member and famous Mormon writer, Orson Scott Card, has said, “Any government that attempts to change marriage is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down, so it can be replaced with a government that will respect and support marriage…â€Â (I do respect and support marriage, that is why I believe in Gay marriages, and I think that we should have a Constitutional Amendment making marriage available to all…sweetie!!)
Also, my bishop is dishonest, and a liar. I got the Bishop to admit that he told my Elder’s President that I was gay. But the Bishop lied to me at first, by denying he said anything to anyone, and then He tried to mislead me, and say that he only told the Stake President, but I continued to be direct and be assertive, until he finally told me the truth. He then said that he had to tell others that I was gay, because they might need to know, in case that I might try and do something (like teach a lesson, {oh how terrible that would have been}), anyway, he felt that I should not be allowed to do anything like that. This is why brother George asked me to give a lesson in priesthood, and on Sunday, after I had completely prepared the lesson, brother George changed his mind, and did not let me teach the lesson I had prepared. I thought this was very mean of him. Now, the Elder’s President, (Brother George), won’t even shake my hand anymore, or talk to me, or even give me eye contact anymore. He used to be super friendly before he knew about me being Gay or homosexual. Most of the congregation will not greet me or shake my hand either anymore. They used to be nice also, before they discovered I was gay or homosexual. Boy, do most Mormons hate homosexuals like this? Unfortunately the answer to that question is a resounding yes. I have been in the Church all my life, so I know just how bad the prejudice is! I have heard many people say many derogatory things about people they do not accept especially gay people. Many Mormons thought that the disease AIDS was a special plague that God gave to the gay community and not just another venereal disease; now more heterosexuals have it, than do the gays.
In a talk by President James E. Faust, 2nd Counselor in the 1st Presidency of the church, Entitled: “Serving the Lord and Resisting the Devil,†He talks about several sins including Abortion and other severe sins that make the devil happy, if we do them. Then on the 3rd and 4th page of that talk, he says that: “There is some widely accepted theory extant that homosexuality is inherited (it is, I say!). How can this be? (he says). No Scientific evidence demonstrates absolutely that this is so.â€Â I know that Science rarely, if ever, proves something absolutely; however there is very much scientific evidence showing the causes of this condition, and that it is inborn. It is misleading for him to make statements of this kind, or to make this statement. He used the word absolutely, absolutely on purpose. Our youth are particularly vulnerable to these and other statements. Making statements like these causes depression, low self-esteem, low self-worth and even suicides; I know that it surely has for me, and I have almost killed myself twice. And this is no laughing matter, either; to be in the Intensive Care Unit for a day, on two separate occasions, and have the doctors not knowing my chance of survival for several hours. This really frightened my friends as well, not to mention me.  I really believe that all suicide attempts should be taken very seriously. 😮
Next, President Faust says: “Besides, if it were so, it would frustrate the whole plan of mortal happiness…†(Yes it does, but because of false beliefs), he continues, “respectable authorities,†(those would be authorities that agree with him, and him only); he says they “contend that homosexuality is not acquired by birth. The false belief of inborn homosexual orientation denies to repentant souls the opportunity to change and will ultimately lead to discouragement, disappointment and despair.†(I take it that, these “respectable authorities†are not scientific authorities, being that, the word: REPENTANT was used here.) One could also say that being celibate all your life would also frustrate the plan, both by not having relations with the opposite sex, and not having children. But you know what? We are born this way, I was born this way, I have been Gay all my life; and so I have been denied the opportunity to change, and it has led to discouragement, disappointment, and despair, because I have tried to change to something that I am NOT, nor can I ever become or be, at least not in this life. It is impossible to change your sexual orientation!!! Does anyone think they can just change their sexual orientation? No!! It cannot truly be done, not if you are truly honest with yourself anyway. This is why we did not choose to be Gay or homosexual because the choice was made for us, we had nothing to do with it. I would like to see a straight person just try and be a gay person by making that choice; not possible is it? 😛
My mortal happiness is found in being Gay. But, President Faust goes on to say: “Any alternatives to the legal and loving marriage between a man and a woman are helping to unravel the fabric of human society.â€Â Then he says that the fabric he is talking about is the Family. It seems to me that things like, oh say, War, Pestilence, Extreme Poverty, Plagues of disease, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Divorce, Hatred, Murder and Terrorism, to name a few, would be much worse on the family, than Gay people getting married. Yet the family goes on, undaunted by these things, at all. Gay people only want the same commitment and love that straight people have in a bond of holy matrimony. Besides Gay people only make up less than 1% of the Population of this world and the straight population grows faster than the gay population does, 99 times faster, to be exact. This is true because Gays and Lesbians do not have their own children, and if they did have their own children, they would probably not be gay. In fact, 99% of them would be straight. The children that gays adopt are ones that no one else wants, like gay kids, or “crack babies†and such. I knew when I was gay at four years old, and some of us know all along. This is how kids know they are Gay. These gay kids should be with other Gay families, where they will be loved for who they are; and not hated by them.
Faust goes on to say: “These so-called alternative lifestyles must not be accepted as right, because they frustrate God’s commandment for a life-giving union of male and female… If practiced by all adults, these lifestyles would mean the end of the human family.â€Â Oh Please! Give me a break, will Yah!! The entire human race is not going to be homosexual. Right now more than 99% of the human race is heterosexual, and that is not about to change. Besides, â…“ of all gays, have their own children anyway. In my lifetime, I have never known a single straight person who wanted to be homosexual or even bisexual; it almost doesn’t exist, so I think that the human family is safe from Gays; let us not be ridiculous! Besides Gordon Bintner Hinckley, former President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has said that all homosexual people should be celibate their entire life. If all gays did this, and everyone was homosexual, it would still be the end of mankind, (but that would depend on the whole world being Gay and nobody wanting to breed, even to save mankind. Yeah!! Right!! Besides, homosexual people usually want children anyway, so I am sure they would find a way to have children anyway, duh!! I personally know of many Gay men and women that have their own children and being gay never stopped anyone from having kids that wanted to have them! I am Gay and I was married to a woman for over nine years and we would have had children also, if she had not had a hysterectomy that saved her life, before we were married.
I have not lived the Gay Lifestyle since about August, 1996, and I was married on January, 4th 1997 and I was rebaptized on February, 4th 1997. Thomas S. Monson, with the First Presidency, NOW states that I am not sinning, did not choose to be Gay, and that I am not to blame myself, God, or my parents for my being Gay, (so you see, I did not choose to be gay at all, after all). The problem is that not all of the Twelve or The 70 follow the Prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley or Thomas S. Monson either. However, most do follow the Prophet like they shoud do.!
Because My Bishop and an Apostle now verbally Gay-bash me, I no longer feel appreciated or loved or comfortable, accepted, or welcome at Church. I do not feel wanted at church either, because I am not allowed to do anything in the church, and I have a strong need to actively participate at church. I do not like to be made fun of, or have people talking behind my back, like they have been doing. I do not want to be unhappy all my life. The Authorities in my church do not understand why I am not happy. They say that happiness comes from family, marriage, children, companionship and loving relationships, etc. and then they turn right around and tell us gays to abstain from all of these things, and then they cannot see why we are not happy. It seems obvious to me, why not to them. They just don’t empathize with us single adults, because they are all married with children, and happy with their families. I knew this, when I was in Young Single Adults.
My Elder’s President asked me if he had to accept Gay peoples lifestyle or condone it; if Gay’s are afforded civil rights. How ridiculous is that? I’m surprised he allows us gays the right to live and breathe at all. The Church now takes credit for New Gay Rights in Utah. Thus, the Mormon Church, In Utah, has recently given the Gays the LEGAL right to secure a place to live, and a job to make a living, without discrimination. But, no other equal rights! It has taken the Church 180 years just to grant these 2 rights, to Gays. So I think it may be a long time before the Church allows Gays to Marry, adopt children, have school clubs, have parades, cohabitate with their partner or partners, celebrate Gay-Pride day, cross-dress, or even have friends for that matter; so much for free-agency, anyway. I thought that it was only the devil that tried to take away free-agency. There is the possibility that the church will never grant these rights, also. And then there are those opportunities to teach, socialize with the other Saints, have the priesthood, or go to the temple, be a leader, conduct a hymn, sing in the choir, say the prayer, socialize with same-sex LDS people, work with the youth, play music, or go home teaching and many other privileges, that heterosexual Saints have and take for granted every day; these are all not available to the Gay Saints, because of Bishops in the church, and not because of General Authorities. The Prophet’s approve of these things for gays, especially Monson and Hinckley and Benson.
The Leaders in Salt Lake City, UT have now commanded that all Gay & Lesbian members of the Church stay single and celibate for their entire lifetime. And many bishops have extended this to mean, not having friends at all (even with non-members). The Bishops have also forbid Gay Youth, to associate with the other youth, and given them other restrictions as well. No wonder the gay youth commit suicide. The leaders make the gay youth feel flawed, and that they are evil, and that it is their fault that they are gay, and then they cut them off from their friends and peers, at a time when they are usually already struggling with their own family problems concerning their sexual orientation. Then the leaders mention that we gays will suffer anguish for this entire lifetime, and that it will be a very difficult struggle all our life, but, that we will reap a reward in the next life only. Boy, if I were a youth again, I would attempt suicide again, myself. A reward in the next life? YEAH RIGHT. Straight people get to enjoy a happy and joyful life, (if they are righteous), and they still reap a reward in the Celestial Kingdom. But Gay people only get the same EXACT reward, after living a lifetime of loneliness, despair, unhappiness, pain, anguish, frustration, heartache and also, not having any intimacy, or even any sex at all, in mortality; NOT exactly fair is it, no, not at all, I say, of course it’s not, any one can see that. Besides, this goes against the Mormon: “Plan of Happiness,†which is only for straights now because there is no “Plan of Happiness†for the gays now.
I cannot accept this new “plan of unhappiness,†because I have already endured 44 years of loneliness, heartache, anguish, misery, sadness, anger and depression, with 23 suicide attempts; I forgive all who have helped cause me pain, but I do not wish to continue a life full of pain and loneliness. I need to have Love and affection in my lifetime, along with joy and happiness and intimacy and companionship. If not, then God is not a fair God or a just God or an impartial God either; because everything that the Church teaches, that is supposed to bring joy & happiness to us, like family, an eternal companion, children, the priesthood, marriage, love, intimacy, family home evening, service to others, fellowship with the Saints, friend-shipping, acceptance from others, family and companion prayer, the Temple, and all the thousands of joys that these things bring; these things are all denied to Gays, by commandment, from our Prophets. This is so CRUEL; it challenges my testimony and faith and understanding. However, I know that, God is a fair and just God, who loves us all equally; it is just that his followers are not fair and just and are unequal in their dealings with their fellow men, and now I find out that Mormons are just the same, very much so, and sometimes much worse.
I believe the members of many Christian churches, and yes, even the Mormon Church, are extremely selfish, and have very little love for Gay people. I say this for many good reasons and also because they allow any heterosexual person to get married, and have children, no matter how bad and abusive they are. And then, when they are abusive to their spouse and offspring, they continue in those relationships, even if they molest their own children. But, Gay people are not allowed to marry, even if they are the most loving people in the world, (and they usually are), and would never harm their significant others. I for one do not want to be alone all my life. I do not do well alone and isolated from others. Loneliness makes me miserable. I cannot be alone any longer. If you do not let us gays marry each other, then we might end up getting married to you. {Not for me though, I have already been there and done that}. I was married to a woman for over 9 years, and although it was a very good marriage, I was not completely fulfilled or happy.
I know that I will be much happier doing this, than staying with the Mormon Church, because I have been in the Church for 49 years, and because of the Church, I am sad, lonely, miserable, unhappy, joyless, depressed and angry thanks to the Mormon Members. Members of this Church try to tell me things that I know are not true, like Gay people choose to be “that way,†{even President Hinckley says No to that}, so this is not true at all. Also that we Gays cause others, and especially the youth to be gay by our example, or our influence on them; this has been proven to be wrong. People do not convert, to be a homosexual, we are only born this way, and nothing can truly or completely change us in this life. They also say that we Gays are immoral, faithless, unbelieving, and evil. These things are not true at all either. The truth is known by the higher leaders, but they do not enforce the truth to the local authorities, so most members may not accept the truth in my lifetime. Then again, we must not give up hope for these are the latter days, and God loves us just as we are!!!! With God all things are possible, especially when you also have great faith. I have very much great faith in the LORD, my GOD. Besides I am not evil like the bishop thinks I am, I can have a lot of faith and believe and still be gay. Just because I love men, I am not faithless or without hope.
I want to find a Christian Church where Gays are accepted, and uplifted. I know of some churches like The Metropolitan Community Church or (MCC), which is an international church for Gays and Lesbians. I know of Dignity (the Gay Catholics), and Affirmation (the Gay Mormons) of which I am already a member. I do love the LDS Church very much; however, I have been ridiculed by some of it’s leaders and also I do not appreciate being rejected, ridiculed and treated the way I have been treated. When the Church made the priesthood available to men of color, (The Blacks), in 1979, some members did not accept this new Revelation that was an answer to President Spencer W. Kimball’s humble prayer. K LDS Members have several prejudices, that they should not have, and they have a serious need of repentance, if they want to be forgiven. President Kimball’s book: “The Miracle of Forgiveness†gives you some excellent advice, but, it really condemns Gays & Lesbians. Why do heterosexual people always assume that we Gays are just interested in Gay Sex? It seems that they hopelessly have sex on the brain. Gay men like me, only want positive things, like Love, and Affection, and yes, some Intimacy before we die, some companionship, friendship, and fellowship with other homosexuals. There is a lot more love in the Gay community, than there is among the straights. That is because we are bonded together, because we are persecuted and hated by the world of straight people; and we are more accepting and tolerant than the non-gays.
I like being Gay, so much now, because I know that this is normal for me, and I know that happiness will come to me, and many other homosexual’s, if we just do not pay attention to the hate-mongers, and the Gay-bashers, and the Bible-bashers, and all of those who think that they are better than we homosexuals. Because they are NOT!! They are not at all better than we gays are; they just think that to themselves! In fact, Mormon’s think they are superior to other churches.
Once I knew the truth about myself, that it is alright for me to be gay or queer, I suddenly felt free and liberated from the dark prison of lies that had been told to me all of my life. The truth really does set you free, after all. I am attracted to young men, and that is all there is to it, and my attraction is very, very strong also—stronger than I am able to bear and then try to be alone for a lifetime. I cannot handle being alone, like some people are. For me, I become very depressed when I am all alone. I very much need to have a companion to share my life with or else I am quite miserable and eventually I become very suicidal and hopeless.
I find gay men to be comely, (which means gorgeous and beautiful), especially if they are, what I think of as, a “pretty boy.â€Â They are adorable to me, and my heart goes out to them. I do not know how I have resisted those urges for so long, but I do believe that it has been a great contributor to my ongoing depression and unhappiness. I do not see why I should remain sad, lonely, unhappy and celibate any longer. Life can be hard enough without me adding to the problem. We all need to LOVE and be LOVED, it is built into our psyche and never goes away. And why should it anyway. Unless you are a sociopath, and most of us are not, then we all have needs. Gay people have special needs also and these needs are often not met. It can be a very difficult life, the gay life that is, and it can be filled with pain and sorrow. The rejection by family, peers and even teachers can be devastating to a young person. Why would anyone choose this life with all of its difficulties? I don’t think anyone would. {I just saw on TV a 14 yr. old boy who committed suicide because he was Gay}. You see, we are this way, because we are born this way, and no one can change us, and we cannot change ourselves. Happiness only comes to us by accepting who we are, and not what some one else wants us to be. Most homophobes, somewhere deep inside, are just a homosexual that is too afraid to admit to the world, that they are Gay, so they fear their own selves and hate other Gays. I for one have never been a homophobe. I love all gays and most lesbians, just kidding; I love all the lesbians and even bisexuals and transgender people too.
If you only knew, what it is like, to be attracted to someone of your own sex, when you know the rest of the world was not like that, and that most of the world would hate you for being “that way,†but there was nothing you could do about it; and the attraction was very strong, and it was also, the only thing that made you happy and caused you to like yourself, or even be able to love yourself; but again, the world made you feel that you had to give up these feelings. These feelings, which will not go away no matter what you do, are the only feelings that made you feel good about yourself, in a world that hated and persecuted you. Then you came to believe, that you could never be happy in this life. What would You do then? Especially when, even a Prophet of God cannot help you out of your misery, and your parents and bishop cannot help either. Then you are sad and alone with no chance of happiness. After some time goes by, you begin to lose hope and then you begin to hurt all over and deep depression sets in. Without help, it just gets worse and worse until you can no longer stand to live any longer. This is how I felt many years ago, but things change and now I am trying to get better and try and overcome the past.
This is why so many Gay young men, and even Mormon boys, decide to take their own life, and end the pain and conflict. {I just wanted you to understand why, so many boys and young men, who are Gay, and even some lesbians, end their own life by their own hand.} Now, ask yourself this question, (and this includes Mormon boys and girls, who are Gay, especially Mormon Gay boys): “why isn’t the Mormon Church able to help these Gay boys and girls†[or me]? And so they keep on dying! Help us please! (And not the way that the church has been doing it all of these years, either). Try loving us unconditionally for a change. The Church advocates “reparative therapy,†which does not work for the vast majority of homosexuals, and in fact, this therapy causes many homosexuals to commit suicide, who, would not have done so, if they had not gone through the “reparative therapy torture,†and some people have secretly brought in video equipment and taped what was going on in order to prove what was happening in these places and also provided proof of the suicides as well, so now we all know that it’s true and it is true!
Mormon boys and girls who are gay, should be stronger than other kids, (at least you might think so), but sometimes they are not! Why not? Because, the things that they usually build their spiritual and other foundations with, and that should be there for their strength, are either missing or not there for them. I am talking about the Family and the Church. Instead, their family and the church are often against them, or are not supporting them in their time of need. Your family is often not there for you, when you are gay, because of what the church teaches about homosexuals and how the church treats them also; and the members treat them; therefore, many of these teens kill themselves when tormented by their peers.
Therefore, it is the Church that is causing these premature deaths of young gay people who are members of the church. Any church that provokes the suicides of its own children, gay or not, has some serious problems! I cannot be a part of a church that has these practices, at least not until that church changes its ways, and makes amends or penance for all their hate and wrong doing. Church people are supposed to be in the business of showing love anyway, not petty hatred.
When the Prophet commanded that all faggots stay celibate for life, I believe that the President was not inspired, he just did what he thought was best; because, only man can be this thoughtless and cruel. How short-sighted this idea was, and still is. I believe that this new position will easily drive out many of the 169,080 fags that are all admitted gays in the church, and even more of the approximate 344,000 other fags that are both in the church and in the closet. If you want any of us back, then write to the Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, and ask him for a better solution, one that does not contribute to the 3,800 suicides of Gay people, world wide, each and every year! Ask for a solution that does not cause major depression and sadness and loneliness. Remember these are your brothers and sisters that you are condemning to a lifetime of celibacy and no love.
The church needs to be unified again, because right now there is a division and strife in the church, concerning the Gay issue. Some members listen to the prophet and stop persecuting homosexuals, while others, along with their local leaders, continue to alienate and mistreat homosexuals, and are unfair and sometimes just plain mean to them. Only I know all the unfair things my bishop did to me.
There needs to be greater love in the LDS faith. The Mormon Church needs the kind of love and charity that Christ had for his own church. The members who think that all homosexuals are going straight to hell, after judgment day, may be surprised one day when they end up in hell themselves, all because of either, how they mistreated homosexuals, or how they hated them. The Bible says, you have no faith, if you hate your brother, and that you do not love God, if you say you do then God says that you are a liar. (see the book of James in the New Testament).
I Have given most of my life, to Heavenly Father and Christ’s true church, and now my reward is, or so it seems to be, nothing short of a promise, that I will live a lifetime of sheer hell. Goodbye Mormon Church, I love you, but, we have irreconcilable differences. I will always miss you, and I will forever have fond memories of you. My friends at Affirmation told me that it is almost impossible to be homosexual, and remain a member of the Mormon Church. They were so right! Especially if you live in Oklahoma, and in towns like Muskogee! This is what happens when you have a redneck for a Bishop and an Elders Quorum President.
I never wanted to leave the Mormon Church before, but now, I feel like I am being pushed out, by the members, and especially some of the leaders, like Elder Boyd K. Packer and Bishop Robert W.; who have more hate in their heart, for fags, than they have love for them. But I will not stay away for too long anyway.
God be with us all, until we meet again. LOVE AND KISSES, AND LOTS OF HUGS TO ALL, and LOL (Lots Of Love).
LOVE you all with all my heart & soul: Robin Lee Johnson.Â
The End of “Manifesto #3” (original title).
One correction needed, I said there was a population of 1% of Gays in this world, but that is a mistake on my part. The actual number is about 2% to 4% in the US and has been estimated to be as high as 10% worldwide, when you consider all those still in the closet.
I had intended on using the Highest estimate in my Post, but accidentally used 1% instead of 10%. Sorry about that.
So, the world is at least 90% Straight, not 99%. I was a math major in college and should not have made this error but I am Human. It has been said: “to ere is human, to forgive is divine” so would you please forgive me.
Thank you for reading my post, if you have read it; and Please feel free to leave a comment for me if you will, I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks Again! Love Robin Lee Johnson, original Author.
We’re all human. My goodness, you’re allowed to make mistakes. This is a great series. 🙂
Robin, I still haven’t read all of this post, but your remarks about (lack of) confidentiality of your disclosures to the bishop struck a nerve. The LDS Church Handbook of Instructions (CHI) states that confidentiality is a solemn duty, but allows for disclosure to authorized ecclesiastical leaders. Who is an authorized leader? The CHI doesn’t say. What happens if an inappropriate disclosure is made? The CHI doesn’t say, but we all know the answer: nothing.
Catholicism isn’t necessarily a role model, but the contrast is instructive. They are, literally, deadly serious about confidentiality. Under canon law, “A priest… cannot break the seal [of the confessional] to save his own life, to protect his good name, to refute a false accusation, to save the life of another, to aid the course of justice (like reporting a crime), or to avert a public calamity.”
If a priest does directly reveal information received in confession, then at that very moment, as an automatic consequence of the disclosure, he is excommunicated. I once read a blog post (but have forgotten where), written by a priest who had a colleague who was accused of violating the seal of the confessional. It was an amazing story for me, raised as a Mormon. It was treated as an emergency, with the bishop sending a messenger the moment he heard the accusation to stop the priest from saying mass. Why? Because if the accusation was true, the accused “priest” was already excommunicated, and was therefore not a priest at all; any mass conducted by such a man would be a sacrilege.
I think you’re right to note that it’s ironic that the people who have told you to stick with Mormonism are church members who find a way to conform to the doctrines. The ones who listen to your story and tell you to find another church recognise that LBGT Mormons suffer within the LDS church, and they are trained to see when vulnerable people are being emotionally punished for their lack of conformity, even if it’s done in the ‘spirit of love’.
Good luck on your journey, Robin. I wish you well.