Critically-acclaimed author Walter Kirn — whose books and films include Thumbsucker, Up in the Air, andLost in the Meritocracy: The Undereducation of an Overachiever — has been voted “2009 William Law X-Mormon of the Year”!!
Good choice, folks — Walter Kirn is a credit to the X-Mormon community! I hope he comes by to give the acceptance speech that he promised on his facebook page! π
lol. And, personally, after secretly chuckling at the Bloggernacle implosion, I hate to see the same thing happen over here. But I guess we’re all human.
g’night, I’ll check in in the morning to see how this ends.
Steve, thanks, but the votes have already been cast, your late nomination has been noted, I’m honored, but we’re moving on. Better luck next time.
Chino, thanks, but I came here to give my congrats to Walter, for whom the votes have already been cast.
His victory has been noted.
I know you’re honored, but now you’re bordering on being boorish.
Better luck in recognizing humor next time.
And good luck moving on. π
Stick to drawing cartoons, Steve. Or go make something happen over at RfM. But for Pete’s sake, please don’t parrot my lines here and somehow expect the sort of adulation you’re accustomed to in the controlled environment you call home.
Chino, allow me to honor you again.
You were great in concert!:
Bad company? I guess we’ll leave it to the audience here at MSP to decide who’s being a rude guest a.k.a “bad company” …
I live here. What are you up to?
Whatever it is, it’s beginning to grate.
Beginning to grate? You were being grated when you initially missed the humor flyover (as noted by another poster, who BTW wasn’t me).
That said, I loved you in concert with this one, too (although I didn’t see a trailer and hitch for that elusive humor gene):
Let it go, Steve. At this point, I’m humming a Guess Who tune while I type … She’s Come Undone.
Let it go, indeed.
First you won’t move on down the road.
Now you won’t rock on down the highway.
And to think that that was the theme of both of your hits.
By the way, since you say you “live here,” this here is public housing until the landlord of the site says otherwise.
Until then, howdy, neighbor. π
Good heavens, it would’ve been so much fun if you’d demonstrated half this much enthusiasm while the contest was, you know, still ongoing.
It’s over. You said you took pride in losing. Take some pride in walking away now that you’ve delivered your congratulations.
Hello, there. Here’s some homemade bread from the Relief Society.
Take some pride in accepting it. π
Nice to make your acquaintance.
Likewise. And here’s to hoping you take chanson up on her offer to set up an author account for you here at MSP. And I promise to stop munching my fresh loaf of whole wheat long enough to join in a hero’s welcome for your first post.
Either way, I’m totally renominating you for the X-MOTY award next year. Deal.
Step away from the homemade bread.
Do it now.
Steve — Why not try out a new audience and a new format? You have plenty of friends and fans here. And we have loads of fun here, as you can tell from this playful banter that you’ve exchanged with Chino. π
Nice of you to give a shout out to the SLC punk scene Mr. Kirn. (you can see what I care about)
This thread should be nominated for most RFM-like thread outside of RFM.
lol. π
The Most RFM-like thread, only sans the cussing.
Walter Kirn thinks Chris Buttars got it right about the 12th grade. Go figure.
He was duped by that fraud who called himself “Clark Rockefeller.” Couldn’t you have picked someone a tad more skeptical as ex-Mormon of the year?
ChinoXL you’re a typical vitriolic mormon attempting to put down Benson, a heavyweight who will always garner HUGE respect . . . & who are you?? & chanson, I didn’t think it was “playful” at all, rather jealous & bitter envy of successful & accomplished Benson. Typical tho, not surprising, most ex’s are more like mormons than the rest of the world as they hold on to their egotism & rightness.
@73 Thanks for the reminder of conversations past (naturally I had to reread the 4-year-old thread to see what you’re talking about).
I had forgotten that Steve Benson had ever stopped by to comment here at all. The sad part, I think, is that we’ve had four X-Mormon of the Year awards since this first one, and it would be great if he would participate (campaign for himself, etc.)