And three giants: Bishop H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who recently co-signed a letter with Bishop Harry Jackson, Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church, expressing their shared commitment to protect marriage; Mayor Barry blesses their union with a memorable chant. A hypocritical…
Thanks for giving me a permanent smile for the rest of the day. Makes sense. If Sherlock Holmes can be an action figure, why not Joseph Smith, or Darwin — not “Dar-lose.”
The Darwin flick looks awesome. I’d pay good money to see that, especially if it was in IMAX!
As for the Mormon President film… Ugh!
@2, Yeah, I think the Darwin one is mostly making fun of “Sherlock Holmes.” But I think it also highlights how funny the standard movie-trailer format is, packing as much excitement as possible into thirty seconds.