As we may all know at this point, the 2010 Church Handbook was leaked last week, and the first thing people went for were the changes regarding homosexuality from the previous handbooks. The Human Rights Campaign claimed that The new guidelines clearly show that advocacy efforts pay off with real…
Author: Alan
Gay suicide and Gay futurity – A short history
Are gay youth committing suicide in 2010 more than they were in 1950? Weren’t the 1950s more homophobic than today? Thus, weren’t there more suicides back then — just unreported as gay ones? If not — if today sees more gay suicide — how is this explained? While a statistical…
the elusiveness of the LDS Newsroom
You know what’s interesting is that the LDS Newroom is currently in beta format, which means some old articles don’t exist anymore. For example, Bruce Hafen’s speech to Evergreen last year is gone. There’s this page that says Hafen gave a speech, but then you can’t access the actual speech…
the older Mormon
I just realized that I have a huge gap in my knowledge about Mormonism. After being born, the beginning of the Mormon life sequence seems to be — roughly, and by no means am I trying to be reductionist — education, marriage, parenthood. On the way to these, the Church…
HRC and Mormons speaking past one another?
I could have posted this as a comment in the previous thread about the thousands of gay activists in SLC who are there because of Boyd Packer’s remarks. But what I want to say about the situation, I felt warrants a new post. Something I want to know is how…
Prop 8 update: the question of child welfare
Thirteen states have signed on as “friends-of-the-court” to assert that defining marriage is a state issue rather than a federal issue. If gay marriage comes to pass federally, they promise to break away and become colonies. (kidding.) The irony is that in order to argue for a state’s right to…
Matthew 22:23-33
I stumbled upon this passage and found it quite interesting. Basically, a trick question is given to Jesus concerning marriage in the afterlife in order to discount resurrection. He is asked if a woman is widowed more than once and is married to multiple men over the course of her…
Interview about my novel posted at Affirmation
Click here. These were great questions that were tough to answer. *wipes brow*
Prop 8 supporters argue for stay
So, just to keep people apprised, I wanted to lay out the arguments of the supporters of Prop 8 in their motion for a stay, plus provide some of my own commentary. They say Walker ignored the following “facts”:
My experience at Sunstone
Sunstone was an interesting experience for me. I was there Friday and Saturday, and Saturday morning I presented my paper “Two Paradigms for ‘Gay’,” which compared themes/reception of Langford’s No Going Back (which if you overlay onto the categories at the right, takes a North Star-like stance), and my novel…