I will be doing some server maintenance tomorrow (Thursday the 26th). There may be some down time.
Author: chanson
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Let’s talk about excommunication edition!
Now that it’s been more than a week since the bomb dropped, the whole excommunication thing has gone into the discussion phase — and (as Andrew S noted) everybody has something to say about it!!! Even this week’s Old Testament lesson has some (tangentially related) points about how prophetic authority…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Excommunication!!!!!!1!
The question on everyone’s mind this week: “Has the CoCJoL-dS finally, truly jumped the shark?“ Even God is displeased. You’re probably aware by now that excommunication proceedings have begun for Kate Kelly — the woman who had the audacity to prove the prophets embarrassingly wrong about womens’ alleged lack of…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: More Modesty Edition!
This week Ziff used his amazing statistical analysis talents to answer a question we’ve all been wondering about: Has there been an increase in modesty rhetoric in the Church in the past few years, or are we just imagining things? Spoiler alert: There has indeed been a big increase. (Don’t…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Responding to women edition!
Womens’ issues continue to be the hot topic in Mormondom this week! First off, the dust hadn’t even settled on last week’s fiasco when LDS PR chief Michael Otterson decided to explain to Ordain Women (without actually mentioning them by name) the reasons why the CoCJoL-dS will not have a…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Further Punishment Edition!
Perhaps you’ve heard about the latest smack-down by the CoJCoL-dS. Not satisfied with their earlier swipes at Ordain Women, the CoJCoL-dS has upped the ante by rewarding another women’s group that exists to criticize Ordain Women. To take suggestions from people outside the church hierarchy or to take their arguments…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Recovering from Mother’s Day edition!
I’m 41 and unmarried, childless, and I find it pretty difficult to be in a family ward sometimes. A confession… I never really had an overwhelming urge to have kids (can I be an LDS woman and say that?). So the awkwardness comes more from pitying glances and talks about…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Hi, Mom edition!
In the US (and here in Switzerland) today is Mother’s Day!! Time for musings on parenthood! So, if you and/or your mom are living in countries that celebrate Mother’s Day today, don’t forget to write or call her! This is traditionally the most dreaded Sunday of the year in the…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Deep Thoughts Edition!
By now you’ve probably heard about how BYU did a sexual-orientation survey in which ‘Gay’ was not among the options. Well, the both the Abbottsville 4th Ward and the Cultural Hall improved on this groundbreaking research technique! Remember the tax-dodging Mormon rancher from last week? Well, Adult Onset Atheist researched…
Monday in Outer Blogness: Mormon Rancher edition!
Or maybe I should go with laddersdazed’s epithet: “Mormon Welfare Cowboy” — since this prophet who wants the taxpayers to feed his cattle was racist enough to complain about black people receiving aid from the government, while wondering aloud if they weren’t better off as slaves… This was a big…