“I feel like you fall in love twice. Once with the person you meet, and again with the person they really are.†If you’re lucky, that is. Otherwise that second, better love might be with someone else. Good news for love in Minnesota. This week we have some love poetry,…
Author: chanson
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Handicrafts Edition!!
You may have heard that a lost civilization was discovered in the jungles of Honduras. Evidence for the Book of Mormon? Sadly, no. Simon Southerton gave an overview of the main apologist strategies for dealing with the problem, and Mithryn made an excellent point about the central problem with Book…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: a woman’s worth edition!!!
On the even of the most dreaded holiday for women on the Mormon liturgical calendar, Elizabeth Smart made a statement explaining what’s wrong with object lessons teaching girls that after having sex, they’re used-up and disgusting, like chewed-gum, sparking lots of discussion (including about other unhelpful chastity lessons). But since…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: The Power of the Book of Mormon Edition!!
From Deseret News, my favorite news item of this week: “My mom will sometimes say, ‘I can’t believe I brought you to that show. None of this would have happened.’[…] While the musical has been called irreverent and crude, some of the lyrics still have special, sentimental value to Morong….
Sunday in Outer Blogness: to life edition!
“Since my religious disaffection from the Mormon Church, I have had to come to terms with the fact that I am going to die.” That’s Steve Bloor facing his mortality — read the rest here. So Says Me told the tale of getting over the self-hatred of an eating disorder,…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: the gun issue, again edition.
I missed a lot of the details of what happened in Boston (since I was on a nearly Internet-free vacation in Austria), but from my blog reading this morning, I find another national tragedy, and another round of discussion of gun legislation. Apparently, some simple points like background checks (widely…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: the Lord’s side edition!
Blogland has had a week to chew on the latest General Conference, and it looks like the most memorable image is this one (courtesy of Boyd K. Packer’s values and GyeongnamStyle’s styling): Yes, it is the dreaded Tolerance Trap! Here’s BKS’s dire warning about tolerating families like these and Just…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: A Woman Prayed in Conference Edition!!!
Yes, at this latest semi-annual General Conference, in addition to the usual topics, something interesting happened: a woman prayed!! Maybe you saw it live, but don’t miss Donna’s preview and Matsby’s replay!! Of course gender roles are still with us, but people are analyzing how this change happened and getting…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Gay Family Easter Edition!
I was expecting that this week would be a standard round-up of posts about Easter — but the Supreme Court of the US spared us from this fate!! Particularly, the liminal Mormon part of Facebook exploded with battles over marriage equality. (I’m not linking to all, but if you check…
Mormon Alumni Association Books website — first draft is done!!
Hey everyone!! As the title of this post suggests, I finally got the first draft done of the MAA Books website!! Many of you have no doubt clicked on the little sidebar button and found some strange, partially-functioning page. Well, now when you click on it, you’ll see a page…