In my last SiOB, I highlighted a list of “things that both atheists and Mormons can largely affirm together” by Aaron Shafovaloff. Then Andrew S picked up the discussion and even attracted Aaron Shafovaloff himself to attempt to explain it. I had highlighted the list mostly because many of the…
Author: chanson
Sunday in Outer Blogness: St. Patrick’s Day Edition!
Yes, today marks everyone’s favorite excuse for serving green beer and other Irish treats, plus some other important occasions such as my half-birthday (I guess that makes me 41 1/2), as well as the International day of action to defend apostates and blasphemers. In Theology, Roger D. Hansen made a…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Rewriting the Scriptures Edition!!
If you haven’t heard, the CoJCoL-dS decided to dust off the old scriptures, polish ’em up, and give them a slightly different meaning. A bit of additional hedging. The most dramatic change was to shy away from the claim that the Book of Abraham was translated from the papyrus in…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Picture it edition!!
This past week’s reading employed a lot of images — and not just those brought to mind by the breastfeeding controversy! Even though Mormon Infographics didn’t update this past week, there were some cool infographics, including eye-opening information about how much the church leadership hierarchy changed during Joseph Smith’s time…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Exotic Edition!
Ladies and germs, I am so close to having all the boxes cleared out of my new apartment, I can just feel it!! But you know what that means! Getting so excited about sorting these boxes and getting them the ** out of my living space kinda cuts into my…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Luv edition!!!
I hope you all followed the appropriate guidelines this Valentine’s Day, or at least celebrated polygamist-style. Other options include dancing, falling in love, or sharing secrets of a happy marriage, sentimental songs, and nerd-love poetry and cards. Maybe offer your companion this romantic Doctrine and Covenants Reference Companion! Sadly, the…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Choices Edition!!
This past week we congratulated 2012’s Brodie Award Winners! Most recipients were pleased, but… well, let’s just say I hope we won’t have to call on the Mormon Alumni Association Legal Defense Fund… 😉 I think one of the wisest pieces I read this past week was mostly a quote…
Congratulations 2012 Brodie Winners!!!
There were some pretty close races, but they’re over now — the results are in!!! Congratulations to the winners and to everyone who participated! Year-long awards for people and websites: Best New Blog or Podcast: Infants on Thrones Best Discussion Forum: Exmormon Reddit Best Humor/Satire Site or Blog: LDS (Mormon)…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Scholarship Edition!
Don’t forget: The Brodie Awards are on the home stretch! If you haven’t finished checking out all of the fantastic nominees — or if you want to do some last-minute campaigning — it’s now or never!! Now, on to this week’s topic! No, we’re not actually offering a scholarship (though…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Ketchup edition!
I hope you’ve all taken the time to look over the list of nominees for the Brodie Awards! If not, you still have until February 6 to vote. Over the last two weeks, Mormon Feminism was in the news — specifically the same folks who brought you pants in church…