Our community Minecraft Servers is up and running! Here’s an overview of what to expect: I am using a whitelist. That means that if you want to play, you need to email me (chanson dot exmormon at gmail dot com) and I will add you to the whitelist. This is…
Author: chanson
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Ripples of the Revelation Edition!
The big revelation — missions a year earlier for boys and two years earlier for girls — continues to dominate the discussion online! Good or bad for women? Many speculate about what the effects will be. (Others have some inside scoop) Meanwhile the young folks of the exmo reddit are…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Missionaries and Modern Miracles Edition!
If you say a prayer (sort of) to find an important lost object and it works, is that evidence of divine intervention? On a related note, the exmo reddit is crowing about how they predicted the big revelation from conference. And now the LDS blogosphere is all abuzz with analysis…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Secret and Sacred Edition!
Let’s start this week’s theme off right with a story in which an attractive woman sticks her finger up Kuri’s butt. In other secret/sacred body news, an obsessive focus on which body parts women cover or show is not a good way avoid reducing women to objects. And it’s getting…
Seeing the box you’re in: “The Collapse of Belief” by Kurt and Barbara Hanks
Think outside the box! It’s easy to say, but hard to do. The trouble is that it’s difficult to identify the beliefs and assumptions that box you in. Our view of the world is built on so many assumptions that it’s impossible to be aware of (let alone question) all…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Brilliant Strategies Edition!
Wow, the Mormon Moment hit a couple of big snags this past week!! First off, despite all of the media attention focused on Mormonism, the CoJCoL-dS simply can’t resist excommunicating people. So guess what is all over the news? Mormon with outspoken blog posts on church says may face excommunication!…
What would you do to get into BYU? Donna Banta’s “The Girls from Fourth Ward”
What if your bishop is a petty tyrant who loves nothing so much as the power he has over other people’s lives. You can’t simply switch to another ward. So, well… Somebody has to off him. But who? That’s the premise of Donna Banta’s delightfully entertaining and totally Mormon murder…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Standing for Something Edition!
Yet another week’s discussion revolves around President News H. Room‘s recent cola revelation!! The people who want to hold themselves to a stricter law are, understandably, upset, as are the fans of honesty. In related news, Brigham City protects its Temple area from free speech, and Exmormon.org has banned references…
FARMS and me!
Many of you no doubt recall that there was a recent shake-up in the Mormon Apologetics community. I don’t have all the details (mostly because I don’t find apologetics to be a terribly interesting topic), but in a nutshell, it was this: The Maxwell Institute (which is perhaps? affiliated with…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Ambiguity Edition!
This week’s top topic was more analysis of the exciting revelations from last week! Paul Senzee has a Word of Wisdom anecdote many of us can relate to. Roger Hansen pointed out that the “clarification” raises a bunch of new questions: Does this make ice-tea okay? If its not the…