OK, so I know I talked about the “War on Christmas” last week, but it is really heating up! And I just have to share with you the latest: First of all, I hear some folks are skipping Christmas or even hate it! Then, people are attacking Christmas with all…
Author: chanson
Civil Discourse and our goals here, redux
It’s been almost a year since we last discussed civil discourse and our goals at Main Street Plaza. As our community grows and evolves, we need to discuss whether/how our goals and policies should evolve. As you probably know, Hellmut and Solistics started this blog in March of 2007 with…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like the “War on Christmas” Edition!
Seems like the “War on Christmas” starts earlier every year, doesn’t it? Mostly because people (like me!) would rather cover a humorous culture-war non-issue than tackle real politics. Real political news is so depressing these days! Just to give you a taste, have a look at some of the reactions…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Family Secrets Edition!
Is there a secret to family happiness? Every marriage brings together two (or more) very different perspectives, and differences in beliefs and orientation bring added stress and challenges. Sometimes, you have no choice but to move on. (Heck, marriage is not the be-all-end-all of life!) Then there were some great…
Open thread for faithful Mormons!
I knew we had faithful Mormons reading this blog, but ProfXM’s thread on “feeling the Spirit” really brought them out of lurking!! So, today, I’d like to open a new thread where the faithful can introduce themselves and the rest of us can welcome them! I want to reiterate that…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Learning Experiences Edition!
Being Mormon is a learning experience, whether you stick with it or not! (Unfortunately, too much of the experience seems to involve questionable chats with the bishop that parents aren’t always happy about — remember privacy? Of course, the stuff the LDS church teaches girls about their privates, etc. isn’t…
Why are we leaving the LDS Church in droves? Why? Why? Why?
I think that Kevin Barney was sincerely interested in finding answers when he first posed the question. The trouble is that when you ask a question on the Internet, there’s a danger that you’ll get responses from people who have actual, first-hand experience. Then the double-trouble is that it’s hard…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Theology and Doctrine Edition!
What do Mormons believe? Seems like nobody really knows. I could swear they were once the church of modern-prophets-filling-in-the-Bible-gaps-with-concrete-answers. Then “correlation” came along and stamped out all of those (controversial!) specifics, and replaced them with a short list of vague warm-fuzzies like “faith” and “tithing”. But that hasn’t stopped the…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Kremlinology Edition!
You may recall that the new edition of the super-secret fifth standard work was leaked. Naturally, many people have been parsing it in attempt to fathom what messages that old guys at the top are sending us. (I wonder what they think of gay deer…) Actually, the changes were kind…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Gender Grab-Bag Edition!
It’s November now, and you know what that means: time to participate in NaBloPoMo and in NaNoWriMo!! It seemed like the big topic this week was gender roles! Feminists are fun — especially the atheists — but the Mormon feminists face special challenges, what with the theology of gender and…