That’s my excuse for getting this done so late today — along with another billion people, we had some important watching-the-world-cup-final to do at our house. It was very exciting, especially after it went into extra innings and everything. (And Andrew thought one needs an ulterior motive to post about…
Author: chanson
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Independence Day Edition!
Yes, Britta has declared her independence from the CoJCoL-dS! I found her blog through her Irreligiosophy interview — along with a couple other exmo blogs that I hope everyone will welcome to the Outer Blogness community! Andrew S has written an interesting series comparing this community to other blog communities….
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Scenes from Church and Life Edition!
This past fortnight Outer Blogness has been chock-full of personal narratives, especially about how each person’s relationship with the church has evolved! (OK, there were also some posts about the environmental catastrophe that is still ongoing — but for today, let’s stick with more cheerful topics.) Naturally, people who stopped…
Reviews of “8” are rolling in!
Now that 8: The Mormon Proposition has hit the theaters, the reviews and responses are hitting the Internet! Some found it too heavy-handed, and urge you to think twice about taking your kids. However, the gril from “ask a Mormon girl” found it quite accurate. And another friend on Religion…
“These beautifully flawed vessels”: The Conclusion of ExMormon!
I love to joke around. I’ve got the perfect joke for just this occasion. It’s an oldie, so stop Me if you’ve heard it: Way back when Jesus and I were creating the world, I turned to Him and said “Hey Jesus, let’s create a really gorgeous mountainous region, with…
Just got back from euro-exmo Paris weekend!
Remember how the BYU art museum banned Rodin’s “The Kiss” and other nudes? Well, naturally, the exmo ladies of Europe had no choice but to go to Paris to see them! (Plus, of course, Paris is a lot closer… 😉 )
The Story behind the Story of ExMormon!
The final chapter of ExMormon will be posted here in less than a week! Here‘s the tale of where this tale came from! 😀
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Family Edition!
This past week, Outer Blogness-and-beyond has been full of reports from all sorts of families on all sorts of family situations! To start with, we can hardly discuss Mormon families without hearing from the Polygamists! (Fascinating podcast — definitely worth a listen.) Eliza is no longer haunted by polygamy now…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: To Church or Not to Church Edition!
This week turned up some great stories of participating in Mormonism! Who would want to miss the fabulous object lessons from Young Women’s? Don’t be afraid to admit that you connect emotionally with the hymns. And that hour of mental vacuum (sac. mtg.) can be put to very creative use!…
Interview with Daymon Smith, author of “The Book of Mammon”
LDS anthropologist Daymon Smith has done some fascinating research on the history of correlation in the CoJCoL-dS and has written an entertaining and informative book about working at the Church Office Building (which I reviewed here). He’s also been kind enough to do an interview for us here at MSP….