This week, the authors of Outer Blogness have outdone themselves with a collection of analogies, fantasies, dreams, and even down-to-Earth narratives that have absolutely blown me away! First, I was touched by Jeremy Firth’s beautiful tale (with pictures!) of what heaven (if there is one) will look like. Hypatia posted…
Author: chanson
Vote for the Brodies!!!
Guys, there were some really fantastic posts in 2009, so you get two weeks to review the nominees!! Take your time reviewing them. Polls close February 22. Good luck everyone, and have fun!
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Your Brain is Playing Tricks Edition!
We had some really interesting discussion of memory and the mind this week! Now I’m sure you’re all familiar with discussion of the incredible fuzziness of Joseph Smith’s memory of the first vision. But here’s a new funny one: it seems that Brigham Young and Lorenzo Snow had a little…
The 2009 William Law X-Mormon of the Year: Walter Kirn!!!
Critically-acclaimed author Walter Kirn — whose books and films include Thumbsucker, Up in the Air, andLost in the Meritocracy: The Undereducation of an Overachiever — has been voted “2009 William Law X-Mormon of the Year”!! Good choice, folks — Walter Kirn is a credit to the X-Mormon community! I hope…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Awards and More!
We have got some really great nominations so far for the Brodies!! In order to help give you some ideas, here are some of the categories that have been suggested: Best humor piece Funniest person or site Longest discussion about obscure philosophical concepts Randomest threadjack Best historical post Best response…
Collecting Nominations for the “Spawn of Brodie” Awards!!
The Mormon Alumni Association announces the “Spawn of Brodie” awards!! They’re like Oscars or Emmys for X-Mormon online excellence! Obviously, the idea is based on the Bloggernacle’s Niblets awards, which we’re participating in (see, for example, Sunday in Outer Blogness in the write-in category). However, in comments around the Bloggernacle,…
The Day I Sang about the Latter-Day Glory with the C of C and with the Polygamists
Wherever people talk about Mormonism, you always hear about the fundamentalist Mormons: the polygamists. On the LDS-interest Internet there’s tons of discussion of modern-day polygamy usually in a hand-wringing what should be done about them kind of way. Naturally, I was glad when I finally got the opportunity to meet…
Vote for the 2009 William Law X-Mormon of the Year!!!
While taking in nominations, I was surprised by how accomplished and undersung X-Mormons are. Fortunately the Mormon Alumni Association is here to remedy the situation with a brand-new yearly award for the X-Mormon who has made the biggest impact!!! And we will make every effort to send the winner a…
Vote for us in the Niblets!!
As you know, tomorrow we’ll begin voting for the Mormon Alumni Association’s William Law X-Mormon of the Year Award. But don’t let that distract you from voting in the Niblets. A number of people from our community have been nominated, and there’s no reason a dark horse shouldn’t win. 😀…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Navigating Relationships Edition!
Is it just my pattern-seeking brain, or does the conversation in blogspace tend to converge around different themes? There was something in the air this past week that inspired the Bloggernacle and Outer Blogness to contemplate how to deal with relationship problems caused by differences. Naturally the focus was on…