Well it’s a day late anyway, and it’s short in the sense that my pattern-seeking brain had a little trouble finding a theme to the posts of Outer Blogness this week. I finally found a couple of little themes. The first was people sharing their favorite holiday music. The Urban…
Author: chanson
Sunday in Outer Blogness: The Reason for the Season Edition!
I know it’s only December sixth, but it seems the “War on Christmas” starts earlier and earlier every year! As usual, the Christmas-warriors are trying to ruin everyone’s jolly holiday with their death-worshiping kitsch. Then there’s one of my personal favorite holiday traditions: lamenting how commercial Christmas has become. Rosalynde…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Spirit of Contention Edition!
After last week‘s quiet contemplation of thy neighbor, this week Outer Blogness has been itchin’ to pick a fight! The Gay Dot says it all, in Wanna fight?! And if that’s not enough to get tempers flaring, it looks like Klaus Baer called Hugh Nibley a “crackpot”! Here’s a little…
Atheists and Traditions
Religion has a lot different facets that different people find appealing: identity/community transcendence/awe/altered states of consciousness rituals tradition/culture purpose/guidance belief in the supernatural And surely many others. It’s my impression that people tend to focus on a few of their favorites among these components and ignore the rest. It’s just…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: It’s All in Your Head Edition!
It seems that Outer Blogness this week has spent quite a lot of time contemplating religious people to figure out what makes them tick! USU Shaft analyzes the latest stats on both happiness and depresssion in bipolar disorder, thy name is Utah. Bull has been reading Krakauer (like many of…
Bordeaux Mission wrap up!
Really enjoyed these latest chapters. As an atheist with LDS friends, it’s a fascinating (and a little scary) look into the Mormon mission world. I’m also impressed with your ability to empathize with and accurately characterize a teenage male’s sexual drive! I went back and read the whole thing together…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Personal Narratives Edition!
It all started when I read this story from the bizarre-yet-eerily-familiar parallel universe of growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness. Then HH had a nostalgic-weird-coincidence moment. Is it something in the air? Or is it “Talk Thursday” that has folks reminiscing about life-altering memories? And about finding your personal history’s…
Enjoying Some Jack-Mormon Cheese
It’s an open secret that Salt Lake City, the seat of Mormondom, is such a (comparatively) liberal city (see Craig’s old post). Though Holly reported (earlier this year) that word is starting to get out, but slowly. That’s why — when I found this cheese at my local snooty French…
The conclusion of Bordeaux Mission!
Feeling the light breeze on my face, I looked out at the water. The edges of the moving water between the feet of the bridge curled into little whirlpools here and there. I tried to drag up all the rusty memories of my former life in Orem, back when everything…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Another Day in the Culture Wars Edition!
Via Gen. J. C. Christian comes the plight of the right-wing parent: “I cant even sit my kids in front of ‘Sesame Street’ without having to worry about the Left attempting to undermine my authority.” While Sesame Street makes a joke about “Pox News,” Jon Stewart does a full parody…