The topic that bubbled up all over Outer Blogness this week was the “natural man”! For example, Bull asks about how to tell who’s really a man from who’s really a woman — just drop trou? Or is it not that simple? And what about the implications for “eternal gender”?…
Author: chanson
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Truth and Consequences Edition!
The big news this week is John Remy‘s excommunication for apostasy!! And he’s not the only one who’s feeling the heat this week for disbelieving and/or criticizing the LDS church. The crap has hit the fan and set off a whirlwind of drama, accusations, and letters of condemnation from Hypatia’s…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Back to School Edition!
It’s sad to see Summer vacation coming to a close, isn’t it? (For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, that is — I don’t know how the vacation schedule works down under…) In a highly controversial move, the president (of the US) has decided to open the school year…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: follow-up discussion edition!
I’m sorry if the title doesn’t sound too enticing, but the thing that stood out in this week’s batch of posts was the web of discussion in blogspace, where topics started on one blog were continued on another and/or people have started new discussions on things we’ve been talking about…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Double Edition!
While I was spending a week basking in the sunny Sunstone Symposium — far from the Internet — life went on as usual here in Outer Blogness. So I have two weeks worth of fun stuff for you today! First off, there have been a number of beautiful images posted…
Johnny Lingo at Sunstone!
There were tons of amazing presentations at the Sunstone Symposium, but I think my favorite was Holly‘s analysis of Johnny Lingo. This one was controversial enough to have gotten covered by the Salt Lake Tribune in addition to inspiring many blog reactions: Journy Gal’s title alone (A Man’s Right to…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Patriotic Politics Edition!
Apologies to those outside the U.S., but it seems like the health care debate has heated things up to to point where Outer Blogness has practically forgotten to talk about religion. While Holly is telling Senators about God’s will, Curtis lays out the case for health care reform, and Djinn…
What Should I ask?
What’s an interesting interview question to ask a bunch of Mormons? Here’s the background: As you know, I’m going to the Sunstone Symposium next week, and — since my panel topic is “Bridging Stereotypes through Blogging” — I thought it might be fun to bring some of my Mormon conference…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Obscure Rules Edition!
Here’s something I didn’t know: [ libert, egalit, trivialit ] also has an Overheard in SLC blog, with a special edition on the polygamist rally. This fascinating window on a different culture let to a detailed explanation of the rules of the polygamist pouf. Apparently, hairspray (lots of it) is…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Pioneer Day Edition!
Actually, it looks like the less-believing didn’t post anything at all about Pioneer Day, except for one tiny, belated greeting. Instead they celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing and they posted some interesting photos of entirely different places and events. We also have some interesting thoughts on…