At Sacrament Meeting, I wondered if perhaps I shouldn’t take the sacrament. It had been three days since the incident with Walter, and I hadn’t even started repenting yet. I knew that you weren’t supposed to take the sacrament if you had some big sin on your conscience that you…
Author: chanson
How not to invite Mormons to your church, part 2
Recall we learned in part 1 that discrediting Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham is a dangerous tactic since the Mormons who are swayed by such evidence have an annoying tendency to continue this same line of reasoning and ask hard questions about Jesus. The…
Could I really love a man who could do something like this?
Today’s installment of Exmormon, Part 3: Saturday’s Warrior is the one that most requires the warning. If you’re okay with it, you may proceed to the story, otherwise skip this chapter and tune in next week!
Ken Jennings interviewed by “friendly atheist” Hemant Mehta
Be sure to check out this fabulous interview! My favorite highlights:
Atheist pride . . .?
Normally I hate it when I see atheism accused of being just another religion (or worse: just another faith) because of, well, the usual “is bald a hair color?” (or “Is ‘not collecting stamps’ a hobby?”) argument that I won’t waste your time repeating here today. Yet I was perversely…
Should the LDS church “raise the bar” to exclude liberals and NOMs?
We got an interesting comment from Remeny the other day regarding the ‘Naclers (including us) who have criticized President Beck’s talk: The church has raised the bar for missionaries to serve. Since then the number of missionaries have decreased, but the quality of missionary has increased. So it should be…
Be careful what you wish for…
Tuesday’s rehearsal passed like the previous Thursday’s, with no particularly special attention from Walter. I was getting desperate and felt like I had to do something. Read the rest of the story »
Children — not possessions, not position, not prestige — are our greatest status symbols
OK, I know I probably shouldn’t be posting my own personal complaint about the talk that has already been deconstructed all over the Bloggernacle. But all this debate over career vs. getting your whites whiter than white seems to have missed what (to me) was the most disturbing thing in…
A question of morality…
As if our usual three-hour services weren’t sufficient, after dinner on Sunday Rex, Joy, and I had a youth fireside to attend at the bishop’s house. Logically Rex shouldn’t have been required to attend since he was eighteen and hence no longer in the youth program, but Mom insisted that…
You’re my obsession (SW continues…)
(Please review the caution.) During rehearsals over the course of the next few weeks, I had at least some individual attention from Walter essentially every time. I couldn’t really be sure that that meant I was making progress with him, though, since he seemed to take time out to talk…