Ever since Donna Banta posted this old LDS Living article to facebook a few weeks ago, I’ve been thinking about all the rules that define the LDS lifestyle, and how they change. Specifically, the article is about how Mormon families should forbid their kids from sleeping over at friends’ houses….
Category: Culture
Mormon Moment Series on poetrysansonions.blogspot.com
Ahhhhh! The smell of fresh, juicy, slightly wrong Mormon blog posts. It must be Sunday! I have been doing a series of posts related to Mormon and Post-Mormon issues that seem to be *hot* this year. With more and more people interested in Mormons, and now the change in rules…
The Hammer of Judgment – What Would You Say?
My last post: Gay Trees and Gadianton Robbers gotseveral comments on my own blog. One, which I took from an email that was sent by a former classmate in high school, was pretty forceful. You can see the original post, and my response in the comments section here. I am…
Gay Trees and Gadianton Robbers
As I have been wandering around the internet, looking for something interesting, there is an election going on. Did you know that? Well most of what is out there is not very interesting, just a lot of people with opinion that they want someone else to have, with an occasional…
Two Short Reads That Are Packed With Information
Need a good summer read? I picked up a couple at the Sunstone Conference that are both timely and on topic for the broader LDS Community. Here’s what I wrote about them on Amazon: Could I Vote For A Mormon For President?An Election-Year Guide to Mitt Romney’s Religion Ryan T….
Memphis station posts four Mormon stories
1) Local Memphis TV news report mocks Mitt Romney’s Mormon beliefs (and ace reporter* Ben Ferguson reminds viewers why some folks prefer to avoid the Bible Belt). The cringe begins at 03:21: 2) Local musical director (and LDS church member) Steve Danielson offers his opinion of the Tony-winning Broadway musical….

Coming Out of the Conservative Closet
I have chosen to write about coming out of a closet the closet that hid part of who I really am, a part of me that I always knew was there but never wanted to acknowledge or accept. I guess part of the reason I never came out is that…
Third Culture Kids and our Disaffected Mormon Underground
A while back, there was a husband-wife couple of speakers who came to one of my classes to talk about their mission to Papua New Guinea for several years. I wrote about that on my blog a while back, highlighting one of the things they said about their children that…
“Up in the Air” rocks, but winning “X-Mormon of the Year” rules.
Walter Kirn explains why the William Law X-Mormon of the Year award means more to him than anything Hollywood has to offer:
Atheists and Traditions
Religion has a lot different facets that different people find appealing: identity/community transcendence/awe/altered states of consciousness rituals tradition/culture purpose/guidance belief in the supernatural And surely many others. It’s my impression that people tend to focus on a few of their favorites among these components and ignore the rest. It’s just…