It was a tight race this year!! …just kidding, of course — Douglas Stilgoe (a.k.a. Nemo the Mormon) won by a landslide. In addition to making entertaining content on his YouTube channel, Douglas has been a tireless advocate for positive change within the CoJCoL-dS. He even flew to Fairview, Texas…
Category: excommunication
Nobody expects the excommunication of Natasha Helfer!
No, I have to admit, I was actually surprised when I heard that the CoJCoL-dS excommunicated Natasha Helfer. And then I was immediately surprised that I was surprised. She fits the triple-criteria-set that is a guaranteed path to excommunication: She has a large following, She publicly corrects the wrong statements…
The 8 things I’d like to ask
I know…I have resigned my membership. So why do I care about the new Mormon church policy update that impacts LGBT Mormons? Why bother stressing about it if I don’t even belong or believe? Because this was my faith community for 46 years. Because it was how I was raised. Because…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Excommunication again edition!!
I feel like a broken record here, blogging about this again, but I’m not exactly the one who’s in a rut. The CoJCoL-dS has excommunicated yet another blogger for the terrible crime of discussing doctrine online in an interesting and thought-provoking way. Here’s a first-hand account. Another blogger is currently…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: The Empire Keeps Striking Back Edition!
Another blogger has been threatened with excommunication! Kirk Van Allen criticized D&C 132 and was told by local leaders to delete or modify the post, or else! (Don’t miss FAIR’s 31-page rebuttal!) In addition to that story, Nearing Kolob has been doing some really interesting investigation into the changes in…
Why Nathaniel Givens Can’t Face Reality (or the real reason John Dehlin is going to be excommunicated)
Nathaniel Givens’ latest article on John Dehlin just went live on Meridian Magazine’s website. Â While it’s unlikely responding to Givens will do much to alter the opinions of those already decided on this matter, I realized as I read his article that I wasn’t reading it how most Meridian…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Countdown to Excommunication Edition!
Before beginning this week’s links, I want to remind everyone that the Brodie Award nominations are going strong! I will try to consolidate the categories and add my own nominations on Thursday (at which point you’ll have some more time to add your nominations in the final categories) — but…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Reflection Edition
Chanson asked me to fill in for SiOB this week – I think it’s been a quiet week. (Sort of like Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon – it’s always a quiet week). But this week is quiet for many reasons – perhaps we’re all still reacting (or not reacting) to the…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Let’s talk about excommunication edition!
Now that it’s been more than a week since the bomb dropped, the whole excommunication thing has gone into the discussion phase — and (as Andrew S noted) everybody has something to say about it!!! Even this week’s Old Testament lesson has some (tangentially related) points about how prophetic authority…
Sunday in Outer Blogness: Excommunication!!!!!!1!
The question on everyone’s mind this week: “Has the CoCJoL-dS finally, truly jumped the shark?“ Even God is displeased. You’re probably aware by now that excommunication proceedings have begun for Kate Kelly — the woman who had the audacity to prove the prophets embarrassingly wrong about womens’ alleged lack of…