There’s a new Mormon-themed Youtube channel, and it looks very promsing: The Upper Room Cartoon. Two cartoons have been posted so far. They look exactly the same: five white guys who are leaders of the church (have to admit that I don’t pay enough attention to who the leaders are,…
Category: Suicide
The 8 things I’d like to ask
I know…I have resigned my membership. So why do I care about the new Mormon church policy update that impacts LGBT Mormons? Why bother stressing about it if I don’t even belong or believe? Because this was my faith community for 46 years. Because it was how I was raised. Because…
An Ode to Life and Love: “Free Electricity” by Ryan Rhodes
Everything was suddenly different, but what had just happened would not fall into place in my mind. The circuitry had never been laid for this — like learning a foreign language. The verbs were reversed with the nouns and the vowels were crashing into the consonants and every adverb and…
What Can I Say…I Am Still Gay! I have never been known to stay where I am not wanted. My present Bishop and Elder’s Quorum President do not like me because I am now openly Gay and they know it. They are both very Homophobic. L Therefore, I have been…
Mormon Moment Series on
Ahhhhh! The smell of fresh, juicy, slightly wrong Mormon blog posts. It must be Sunday! I have been doing a series of posts related to Mormon and Post-Mormon issues that seem to be *hot* this year. With more and more people interested in Mormons, and now the change in rules…
Prayers for Bobby: An Open Letter to Mormon Parents
He must have seen the large tractor trailer approaching from under the Couch Street overpass and timed the jump. Bobby executed a sudden and effortless back flip and disappeared over the railing. The driver tried to swerve, but there was no time Robert Warren Griffith, age twenty years and two…
Utah school officials object to anti-suicide signs
h/t Natalie R. Collins Nebo School District official Lana Hiskey: “We’ve actually had a boatload of phone calls coming in and they’re very concerned about the content … [but] it’s not that his beliefs are different than other people’s beliefs, it’s not that at all …” Read Natalie’s commentary at…