I believe this “anti-mormon” label is thrown around haphazardly and without merit. This post by chanson (and the ensuing comments) show a little of what I’m talking about. From baptism… I’m not sure when this trend began. After all my analysis, many may choose to consider me (and others) anti-mormon….
There is a reason why retention approaches zero. There is a reason why people can study their way out of the Church. There is a reason why a large percentage of non-American return missionaries seem to leave Mormonism. There is a reason why the United States remains the only western…
“Book of Exmormon”
To all exmos, post-Mos, and DAMUs looking for a creative outlet: Sideon has proposed a collaborative Book of Exmormon!!! Check out the inaugural post to join the party!!!
Bruce McConkie Was Right!
Even when I was a happy trooper for Mormonism, Bruce McConkie tended to amuse me. Apostle or not, in light of his statements about evolution and the virgin birth I always viewed him as somebody who had never quite matured to adulthood, a living proof that one can graduate from…
“The smartest religious book is ‘The Book of Mormon'”
Okay, I know this isn’t a serious study, but I thought it was kind of funny. A student at Cal Tech decided to plot the ten most popular books at a given University (according to Facebook) on a graph with the University’s average SAT/ACT score. The study is here. (Hat…
Hello to the great wide world of the information superhighway. This DAMU interstate is a stretch of road I am well familiar with as I have been travelling on it for nearly a decade. In fact, I have purchased temporary ownership of this stretch of road and have been busily…
From baptism to resignation or excommunication
Now that I’ve gathered all of Outer Blogness (that I could find anyway), and updated the blogroll here accordingly, I’d like to suggest an assignment. This is inspired Wry Catcher’s hilarious post about her baptism and why she hasn’t resigned (she was baptized by two different religions and figures they…
What to do with Mormon missionaries?
So, here’s an intriguing quandary for you. I have a colleague, a full professor who has taught Psychology of Religion for about 30 years. He knows more about what makes religious people tick than just about anyone else in the world (he has, quite literally, written THE BOOK on it)….
Why “Reformed Egyptian”?
If you suppose the Book of Mormon is a work of fiction, it opens a different set of questions to explore than if you suppose that it is true. For example, why did the author choose to have his characters write in “Reformed Egyptian” instead of Hebrew or something else?…
Harold Bloom on Mitt’s speech
I was just going back over some articles I recently read in an issue of Sunstone and caught this quote from Harold Bloom’s take on modern-day Mormonism, “What he [Joseph Smith] most distinctly was not was another American Protestant revivalist. Mitt Romney would not like my saying this, but if…