We are married to marriage. Our whole culture, across all socio-economic, religious, gender and political boards is overwhelmingly married to the idea of marriage. When someone divorces, they call it a “failed marriage”. But the implication is not that the actual pairing failed; rather, the implication is that something tragic…
“I want to be something”
We have various neighbors who are devoutly Muslim, Jewish, and Catholic. There are also Hindus, atheists, and every variety of Protestant. And, of course, most of our extended family is Mormon. So our son is not unaccustomed to hearing “Because they’re Muslim” or “Because they think that’s what God wants…
Nuts n' Bolts
Here we are, getting down to the nuts n’ bolts of death. Cleaning out possessions from dad’s room, meeting with the mortician, going over the funeral plans, choosing flowers. I heard recently that from an LDS perspective, LDS funerals should have the three following components: Remembrances of the deceased’s life,…
The New Flu Can Fly
November 16, 2005 Dr. Julie Gerberding Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Department of Health & Human Services Re: Avian Flu Education
A Secular Family Easter!!!
Who’d have thought a religious holiday would be so conducive to learning about science?? But we learned by experiment last year that leaving eggs in a water-and-vinegar solution degrades the shells, and we applied that knowledge to do a better job on our egg-coloring adventure this year!!!
All Is Not Well
I like knowing. I think we all like knowing. When someone asks me something and I know, I feel so useful, so helpful. ‘Oh I know!’
Practically Perfect in Every Way
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48) I stumbled across Kermit the Frog’s disturbing cover of Johnny Cash’s poignant, profound cover of Hurt by Nine Inch Nails while I was thinking about perfection yesterday. These videos affected me. Am I not…
Love, Mormon Style
by Bob Bringhurst Harlan Poke liked MTV. When he wasn’t studying accounting, when he wasn’t avoiding his five roommates who shared his Raintree apartment, when he wasn’t hunting for a wife at BYU dances, he watched MTV. MTV shows beautiful women in taunting poses. These poses caused Harlan’s hormones to…
Ancestry I’m not so proud of…
Like many multi-generational mormons and former mormons, I have mixed feelings about my ancestry. Because of the obsession with genealogy, I actually have an extensive knowledge about just who my ancestors were. Hueffenhardt’s post about genealogy got me thinking. I have many ancestors that I’m proud of. Some who crossed…
The Bishop’s Daughter
Cross-posted from Fiddley.com ——————– Back in 1969, my grandfather was the Bishop in the Monument Park Stake on the very exclusive, very Mormon, east bench of Salt Lake City, Utah. This was at a time where there were only, believe it or not, eight stakes in the Salt Lake valley….