In the spirit of a recent article by Dennis Rainey about the characteristics you should seek in a Christian mate: A young lady should seek a young man who: 1. Fears God. One of the ways you can tell if a young man fears God is whether he cowers, with…
“Always Listen to the Ravings of a Mad Woman: A Story of Sex, Porn and Postum in the land of Zion”
I grabbed this book by JulieAnn Henneman late yesterday afternoon. I had every intention of reading only a few chapters before Boston Legal (“Denny Crane!”) came on at 10 pm. However, it didn’t work out that way… At 1 am, I dragged my sorry and very tired butt to bed,…
Boyd Packer About Sex, Gender and the Priesthood
I want to thank my friend Todd for inspiring this post. After excommunicating the group of LDS historians and feminist theologians known as the September Six, LDS Apostle Boyd Packer explained why in his opinion women do not need the priesthood during the 1993 October General Conference. Once a man…
Fiction at Main Street Plaza
Coming soon to a browser near you, Main Street Plaza will be publishing fiction! Our first published piece will be “Love, Mormon Style,” by Bob Bringhurst. “Love, Mormon Style” was originally published in a short fiction anthology called In Our Lovely Deseret: Mormon Fictions. This is a humorous yet poignant…
I am a former Mormon. Many of you know this. I wondered today how much of the Mo I still have in me. I like to think that I am completely over being Mo. No more anger, no more hallucinations…that sort of thing. But I don’t think I am.
My Pilgrimage to Zion
Although my graduate work was in Medieval European history, I’ve also always had a fascination with my own family history, which, by extension, includes Mormon history. Since we got together ten years ago, my partner Mike and I have done a lot of research in Mormon history. We also do…
Co-authored and inspired by Sister Mary Lisa SML: I got called to be in the primary presidency again, honey. Mr. SML (never-mo): WHAT? But you’ve been in the young women’s presidency for two years!
Jr High Polygamy
One of the more unfortunate periods of my life was the three years we lived in Utah. We moved to Orem, Utah, when I was just starting sixth grade. So I was what, nearly 12? An awkward time in life anyhow, but moving to Orem certainly made things worse in…
Bill and Ted's Excellent Mission
I overheard two young guys at the gym this morning talking Churchy stuff. Mormon Churchy stuff. One was on a bench to my right, the other was on my left; they spoke over me as if I wasn’t there. (See The Invisible Woman! post).
Why Mormons Need the Supreme Court
I guess it should be self-evident that a marginal religious minority requires protection against the whims of the majority but a participant of the Mormon Stories Yahoo group reminded me of how frustratingly egocentric Deseret Mormons can be. Here is my reply to a Supreme Court basher: Thank you for…