by La I was putting my near-toddler son to bed, but I was at my sister’s house, so I layed him on my niece’s bed. He likes to go to bed with his bottle and classical music. My niece only had 1 CD in her stereo, and thank goodness it…
John Dehlin Asks for Help
John Dehlin just posted this message: Mormon Stories Listeners, A small situation has arisen and I’d love to gather a few letters from folks who feel like Mormon Stories has helped them find a way to remain active in the church when they otherwise might not have. If you are…
Mormon Art
So what the heck is Mormon art, anyway? Putting aside the much larger question of what is art (but using the term broadly to cover all creative expression), we might instructively ask: What is a Mormon? Do we count only members of the mainstream organization, the Church of Jesus Christ…
Polygamy's Latter Day Toll–a dialogue
More polygamy stuff. In my comments, Elder T. Wanker asked some specific questions concerning polygamy and the impact it has on Mormon women today. Once again, I add the disclaimer that I cannot speak for every woman, only myself. And we know how much baggage concerning sexuality and Mormonism I…
Babies or the Priesthood?
Feminist Mormon Housewives has assembled an excellent series of posts on the occasion of women’s history month. I am particularly impressed by Carol Lynn Pearson’s A Walk in Pink Moccasins, which reverses the gender roles in a general authority’s conference speech. Leveraging the golden rule, Pearson claims the theological high…
Polygamy's Latter Day Toll
A fellow blogger and fellow contrarian wrote a brilliant post on polygamy…well also on the number four and fucking and…well, you’ll just need to go read it. Anyway, I think he’s brilliant. And I love debating with him. As I started to respond via a comment, I realized my comment…
Why we REALLY don’t hear about our Heavenly Mother
God sits in his private chambers, writing in his journal. He hears a sound and looks up to see his First Wife, Eloher, entering the room. “Darling! Good morning. I trust you slept well?” Her answer is a dark look in his direction as she sails past him with nose…
Adventures in online Mormonism. Or, my search for Truth.
This is a trip down memory lane, with some conclusions about the nature of truth. I recently decided to archive and forget my old Mormon-related web sites. AmberAle asked me for some dates regarding when they were created. This led to a stream of rambling reminiscences. So it seemed like…
The Road to Perdition and the Curse of Knowledge.
I’ve started reading Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath which is a fascinating book for me as an educator, and as a post-mormon. I will write more about it, and how I feel it relates to being a skeptic among…
Film Noir SML…or When Tithing Hurts
Well, tomorrow marks another milestone for me at work: My 7 year anniversary of working here. Seven glorious years working alone in an office, doing books and lovin’ it. Or something like that. (Insert wavy flashback lines) FLASHBACK of Two Years Ago, filmed in black & white…