I like to say that Mormon satire writes itself. Take Senator Mitt Romney’s public scolding of Congressman George Santos at the State of the Union. “You don’t belong here,” Romney declared. Santos, who generally remains smug when confronted with his pathological lying and otherwise unethical behavior, appeared visibly shaken in…
Breaking Mormonism’s self-blame cycle
To faithful Saints, Moroni’s promise (Moroni 10:4-5) is a source of comfort and confidence. It guarantees that if you go to God with faith in Christ, a sincere heart, and real intent you will know the “truth of all things” (aka that the Mormon gospel is true.) The scripture is…
Congratulations Brodie Award Winners 2022!!
The votes are in! Here are the winners of the 2022 Brodie Awards!! Year-long awards for sites/channels/etc.: Best New LDS-interest Site 2022: Black Menaces Best LDS-interest Website 2022: LDS Discussions Best LDS-interest Podcast 2022: Radio Free Mormon Best LDS-interest Video Channel 2022: Nemo the Mormon Best LDS-interest Blog or Column…
Time to Vote for the 2022 Brodie Awards!!!
The nominations are in! Vote here for the 2022 Brodie Awards!! Year-long awards for sites/channels/etc.: Best New LDS-interest Site 2022: Unboxing Queer Mormonism The Widow’s Mite Report Floodlit.org Black Menaces Best LDS-interest Website 2022: LDS Discussions Mormonthink Official Website of the CoJCoL-dS Best LDS-interest Podcast 2022: Radio Free Mormon Human…
Congratulations David Archuleta: X-Mormon of the Year 2022!!!
David Archuleta has been a beloved LDS performing artist since the early aughts — the sort of charming and wholesome star who makes Mormons look good in the eyes of the public. Only one problem: like a lot of people in showbiz, David is gay. This is not a problem…
Second call for Brodies nominations 2022!!
Thanks everyone for the fantastic nominations so far!! The Brodie Awards are a way to give an extra shout-out to the great exmo and LDS-interest content over the past year — and you can nominate your favorites!! (See the initial nominations thread for guidelines.) In order to make it easier…
Time to Vote for X-Mormon of the Year 2022!!!
If it looks like your nominee is missing, please be aware that I moved all nominations for content-creators (Radio Free Mormon, Exmo Lex, Nuanceho, etc.) to the nominations for the Brodie Awards. That’s the place for content creators who are nominated specifically for their creative work (as opposed to being…
Collecting Nominations for the 2022 Brodie Awards!!
It’s that time of year again!! Time to recognize the best creative works of the year in the LDS/Ex-Mormon universe!! Main Street Plaza has been hosting these awards since 2009 — back when the blogging world was a bit more lively… But even though the hotspots of social media keep…
If Christmas doesn’t come from a store… and isn’t Jesus… what is it?
**Remember to nominate candidates for the X-Mormon of the year.** I’ve seen people argue that — given the environmental/climate impact of wasteful consumerism — maybe we should have a war on Christmas. I have some sympathy for that position. All my life I’ve heard the cry to remember “the true…
Dallin Oaks’s Christmas warning
**Remember to nominate candidates for the X-Mormon of the year.** Raise your hand if anyone’s ever said this to you: “Mormons are just so nice!” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard it, and very often it’s true. Outright deznat sneering may be on the rise, but it…