It’s that time of year again!! Time to reflect upon the past year and recognize the most interesting parts. Here at Main Street Plaza, that means electing the William Law X-Mormon of the Year!! The Wm. Law X-Mormon of the Year should be the X-Mormon who made the biggest splash…
Do Good People Smile Behind Closed Doors When LGBTQ Folks Are Murdered?
When you heard about a shooter killing five people in a Colorado Springs LGBTQbar, were you happy or upset? When you learned the alleged shooter was a member of The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints, were you proud or embarrassed? If you were embarrassed, was itbecause of what “the…
Get ready for the Brodie Awards!
2022 is nearing its end, which means that awards season is coming up! Main Street Plaza has hosted the William Law X-Mormon of the Year and The Brodie Awards since 2009. In case you’re not familiar with these awards — or maybe you are, but you’d like to know more…
Exclusion policy, meet the latest strength of youth
November 5th was the anniversary of the Exclusion Policy, the 2015 declaration that same-sex couples who married would be excommunicated as apostates and their children barred from blessings, baptism, and other rituals until they turned 18 and condemned their parents’ lifestyle. Googling that today, the bulk of articles on the…
A Seer Stone for Halloween
A magic rock, a spooky house, and ghosts conjured up from the Latter-day Saints’ colorful past. My new mystery novel, Seer Stone, might be just be the perfect read this Halloween. Not to mention a fun Christmas gift, or even just a vehicle for confronting one’s own demons. Mormon or…
Mysterious Mormon Magic: Donna Banta’s “Seer Stone”
The modern Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is awash with mainstreaming. Becoming a god of your own planet (or universe), Heavenly Mother, even the name “Mormonism” — anything that might make Mormons look weird to Evangelical Christians — gets ignored out of existence. I’ll admit that a lot…
Will Capitalism Reign During the Millennium?
I can’t wait for the Millennium when we all work six days a week, twelve or fourteen or even sixteen hours a day. I can’t wait for that serene society, when Satan has been bound and we can send our six-year-old children to work in the mines or shuck oysters…
Is the LDS Church Case Sensitive?
Recently, in her Religious News Service column, “Flunking Sainthood,” Jana Riess suggests there is a divide within Mormonism between the “big-C Church” and the “little-c church.” According to Riess, “big-C Church” is code for the suits working in the Church Office Building. Specifically, the Mormon PR team that issued a…
Blog Updates
You may have noticed that we’ve brought back our old masthead and switched to a new theme. We’d like to update the sidebar links as well — Do you have any ideas of links we should add?
Is This What Joseph Smith Really Looked Like?
A daguerreotype has been found that may well be an image of Joseph Smith. Joseph was 38 years old when he died; I suppose the photo looks like someone about that age, if they’d had a hard life. The man in the photo doesn’t look all that charismatic or appealing…