Anyone else catch this Colbert Report blurb on Hinckley’s death?
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That is hilarious!!!
I saw it earlier here on my brother’s blog.
i’m sorry, i thought it was funny. even if i was still in the church, i think i would have thought it was funny. but that’s because i worship colbert, not hinckley. come on, who wouldn’t?
why is it that TBMs can’t understand the meaning/application of the concept ‘adulation’???
Is there something in MoWater that prevents an unbiased perspective?
Hinckley was a nice, ‘gentlemanly’ Grandpa kinda guy *if you overlook this lies/ambiguity/obfuscation of LDS, Inc*.
Hinckley’s heritage: Limited Earrings/No tattoos.
Warm & Fuzzies RULE!
Chandelle — I know how you feel. When I posted the above comment, I asked myself “How can I be saying that a spot about Hinkley’s death is hilarious?” But really it’s nothing disrespectful about Hinkley.