So I’m scanning through my new email yesterday when the email below pops up. This is actually the second or third email I’ve received from this guy and I have to admit I’m completely baffled. First, the emails are going to my university email address and they are being sent to a bunch of other faculty at my university. Considering my interests in Mormonism, I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy found some other email address of mine, but to send it to me and a bunch of other random faculty at my university is just bizarre. Second, is it just me or is this guy clinically insane? Has anyone else heard of him? Does anyone know who he is? And does anyone know if we can have him admitted somewhere?
Here’s the email in its entirety:
from: LeeMcLeon@[withheld]
to : [I deleted these]
date: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 1:27 PM
(Public Notice. If any pictures or text in this email is hidden, copy and paste will unhide.)FOR THE RECORD. When I wrote in another email that my daughter Lisa told me she was going to a funeral today, Saturday, February 21, 2009, it was not my intention to slander the deceased black male in Jersey City by writing that he was probably involved in taking drugs. I should not assume that almost every inner city black male is in some way involved in the CIA’s illegal drugs industry which especially targets inner city black males, either as buyers or sellers. My sincere apologies to his mother, a friend of mine, and his aunts and the rest of his family.
February 16, 2009. I called Lisa, my daughter, as I do every day, and I got her answering machine message:
[Her husband Leon’s voice in the background] “Say Hello this is”
[Lisa’s voice] “Hello this is Leitha”
[End of answering machine message]Lisa’s name is Lisa. My name is Leitha. (I have no idea how is it that Lisa said her name is Leitha. Hypnosis? I do not know. I thought about finding the recent photograph of a parrot in the Mormon church’s Deseret News but then decided not to. I cannot say anything else about this matter, not at this time. I was not too taken aback to hear my daughter’s answering machine message because, knowing that CIA agents of the Mormon church attempt to disorient me, I am always mentally and emotionally prepared for anything so that nothing catches me off guard.) I left a message and called back later.
Nat ate dinner in the living room because he wanted to finish watching a movie, (American Gangster or one of the other of the CIA’s movies that promote negative stereotypes of African Americans). While eating dinner in the kitchen I read The New York Times, starting from the Op/Ed page and going backwards as I do usually. While staring at the advertisement on page A3, thinking about the amazing resemblance between the black model my daughter Lisa, before she became stricken with MS, I bit down.on something gritty.
This model looks like Lisa looked, say, 15 years ago. Not the sassy stance, just the facial features.
ESCADA This blue multicolored silk crepe de chine dress ($1550) is a meticulously hand-draped classic.
(Saks Fifth Avenue advertisement, The New York Times, February 16, 2009, page A3)I was not eating seafood, I was eating roast chicken, broccoli rabe and cranberry sauce. I put the object in a napkin and looked at it, puzzled. Then, all of a sudden my tongue felt a jaggedness on one of my teeth, and that’s when I realized, I was looking at a piece of one of my teeth.
Here’s what happened: At the moment I turned The New York Times newspaper to the page with the advertisement featuring a model who looks like my daughter Lisa used to look, Ann downstairs, watching me via Nasdaq “super technology” surveillance camera lighting fixtures in the ceiling in the kitchen, pressed a Nasdaq Taser Easy Button remote control which caused a laser beam (that penetrates walls and floors and ceilings) to slice off part of one of my capped tooth – the third tooth from the front on the right side of my mouth. It was done with great precision, so much so that the tooth is now in the shape of Mormon Incorporated’s letter J. My tooth is now an advertisement for Mormon Incorporated, thanks to Mormon CIA sadistic wiseguys. (I cannot at this time document the information about Mormon CIA Bluebird Bluefly Hungry Jacks and Jills.)
Mormon Incorporated’s
John Jay College of Criminal Justice I took the upper partial out of my mouth so the letter J
is easier to see Two years ago I woke up one morning to discover that a hole was drilled in part of one of the teeth in the bottom partial in my mouth. Ann and Bob visited uninvitedly during the middle of the night. I went to the dentist and he filled the tooth but eventually the filling wore out. A few months later when I spent the night with my daughter Lisa I woke up to discover that the rest of the same tooth was drilled out completely. I do not know the names of Lisa’s neighbors. I detest bully tactics. And rather than shrink back, I feel even more emboldened to continue writing and distributing. If every tooth in my mouth is chipped or has a hole in it, I honestly do not care. If I have difficulty chewing I will eat oatmeal, even though I do not like oatmeal.
Coincidentally the day Lisa told me about the death, Friday, February 20, 2009, is the day Saks Fifth Avenue ran a second advertisement featuring the black model who looks a lot like Lisa looked before she was stricken with MS:
Marc Jacobs This sleeveless shift ($1100) made out of lightweight cotton strawberry brocade is now in our new Marc Jacobs shop on Three.
(Saks Fifth Avenue advertisement, The New York Times, February 20, 2009, page A3)I like Talbot style clothing, and I like LL Bean style clothing, too. I do not like Afrocentric clothing. I do not like Afrocentric hair mops. I do not like Afrocentric expressions like “girlfriend” and “yo”. I do not like Afrocentric raphiphop culture. I do not like Afrocentric fist bumps.
Yes, I am very guilty of Anglo Aryan “identity theft”. In the year 1999 or 2000 CIA agents of the Mormon church ran an advertisement for Talbot in The New York Times featuring a black boy who looked very much like my grandson Wesley. He was modeling a sweater.
The caption in the advertisement read: “SUITABLE FOR FRAMING”
I did not have the foresight to save the advertisement however one of the CIA agents who are pretending to be Jehovah’s Witnesses told me the advertisement is saved, and will be produced as evidence during the LEGAL CASE.The following is Mormon Incorporated’s Madame Talbot’s Rare Tomes and Mormon Incorporated’s sunstone:
![]() Mormon sunstone (
images/photo-album/nauvoo- pentagrams-sunstones.jpg. While Lisa and I were talking on the telephone I decided to go to the living room window to see if there was any kind of synchronization taking place. There was. I saw a black female police officer giving out parking tickets. And I saw the imitation police van drive by. And I saw a USPS We Deliver For You truck parked on the corner of Prospect Park West and 13th Street. And I saw another USPS We Deliver For You truck drive by on Prospect Park West, as the police officer walked nearer and nearer to the crime scene ribbon and cone in the street toward the end of this block, in front of 505 13th Street. And then I saw a yellow cab pull up and double park in front of 481, directly across the street. Yellow cabs are a rare sight here in Brooklyn, especially during the day. After I asked Lisa to hold on a minute, I ran to my workstation and got my camera. By the time I went back to the window the cab had moved to in front of 475, across the street from 478 where David and Julie and their three children and their dog, Nibbles, live. The orange EAR car was still parked in front of 478. Phil and Danielle with their baby got out of the yellow cab now showcasing a Level 3 Communication T symbol. Phil, Danielle and their baby live at 475, upstairs from Brett and Amy and their two daughters and their dog, Sally.
Yellow cab and NYLPN EAR
(HOME AGAIN – Miracle homecoming – Elizabeth Smart reunited with family, the Mormon church’s Church News, March 15, 2003)
(Several years ago one of the CIA agents who are pretending to be Jehovah’s Witnesses asked me to distribute this picture, and Exodus 11:2 and Proverbs 13:22, NWT, and Genesis chapter 19 according to the satanic interpretation by the leaders of his religion, and I told him nobody will understand, and he told me, everybody will, during the LEGAL CASE)When Felix was assigned to attend the Mormon church’s Sixth Avenue Baptist Church, his name was Felix Perez. Now he is assigned to attend the Mormon church’s International Baptist Church, and his name is now Philberto (Phil) Perez. Nat is also now assigned to attend the Mormon church’s International Baptist Church however his name is still Nat.
The following sunrays are a Level 3 Communication symbol for the Mormon church’s sunstone:
Public Health Image Library (PHIL) “See How PHIL Can Benefit YOU”
(Mormon Incorporated’s PHIL, at
cc CIA Mormon Michael Leavitt, former governor of Utah, former secretary of HHS/CDCBy Richard Perez-Pena
Mary Jacobus, a New York Times Company executive who had headed The Boston Globe and later led the company’s chain of regional newspapers, died on Friday in Tampa, Fla. She was 52 and lived in Tampa.
The cause was a cerebral hemorrhage, said Catherine Mathis, a company spokeswoman. Ms. Jacobus became ill on Feb. 2, while at work, and had been at St. Joseph’s Hospital since then.A veteran newspaper executive, she joined the Times Company in January 2006, as president and general manager of The Boston Globe. In September 2006, she became president and chief operating officer of the company’s Regional Media Group, with headquarters in Tampa, which publishes 15 daily newspapers and one weekly in the South and in California, as well as several regional magazines and some news Web sites.She also served on the company’s executive committee.
Since 2007, she had been a member of the board of The Associated Press, and she was a past board member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, which oversees the newspaper industry’s circulation reporting.
Before joining the Times Company, she worked for seven years in the Knight Ridder chain, first as president and publisher of The Duluth News Tribune and then as publisher of The News-Sentinel in Fort Wayne, Ind., and president and chief executive of Fort Wayne Newspapers, the company that runs the business operations of The News-Sentinel and The Journal Gazette.
Previously, she was vice president of sales and marketing at The Gazette in Colorado Springs and director of sales and marketing at The Escondido Times Advocate, outside of San Diego.
She began her career in newspapers in the 1970s, and worked in circulation and advertising at The Buffalo Courier-Express, The Buffalo News and The Long Beach Press-Telegram, near Los Angeles.
A native of Buffalo, Ms. Jacobus graduated from Le Moyne College in Syracuse.
She is survived by her husband, Dean Jacobus, and their triplets, Kelly, Kimberly and Bill.
(Mary Jacobus, 52, a Times Co. Executive, The New York Times, February 21, 2009, page A22)
INLPN 988BCM Honda parked on this block on February 15, 2009
INLPN BC 3150 Civic Breast Cancer Awareness, parked near Lady Bird Bakery, February 14, 2009Notable deaths of 2009
(Boston Globe,
world/gallery/1_15_2009_ notable_deaths_of_2009/)
CIA agents of the Mormon church arranged to showcase pictures of three black females on the Boston Globe webpage with the picture and article about Mary Jacobus.SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Larry Miller, the car sales mogul who turned the Utah Jazz into one of the National Basketball Association’s most stable teams, died Friday at his home. He was 64.
The cause was complications of Type 2 diabetes, the team said in a statement announcing his death.
Miller had a heart attack in June 2008, then spent nearly two months in the hospital for complications of diabetes. He was in a wheelchair after his release from the hospital and had his legs amputated six inches below the knee in January.
A tireless worker with a knack for the most minute details, Miller started his career in an auto parts shop, then built a car dealership empire that made him one of Utah’s most recognized and influential people.
“Every citizen in our state feels a little empty today,†Gov. Jon Huntsman of Utah said in a statement. “Larry was Utah and Utah was Larry. He inspired many and served countless. We all have been made better by his extraordinary life.â€
Miller expanded his realm in 1985 when he bought a 50 percent share of the Jazz as the team appeared on the verge of moving to Miami. Miller bought the rest of the team a year later, declining an offer that would have sent the team to Minnesota.
The Salt Lake Tribune quoted him as saying, “It was an opportunity, I realized, to give a community and a state that I care a great deal about something that maybe nobody else could give them.â€
Miller sat in his courtside seat, wearing khakis, a golf shirt and tennis shoes, for nearly every game, giving his players and the fans an unobstructed view into his emotions. The team made two straight appearances in the N.B.A. finals, in 1997 and 1998.
(Larry Miller, 64, Popular Owner of Utah Jazz, The New York Times, February 21, 2009, page A22)” avoid the knee jerk …” (BMW [Brave Mormon World] commercial, WQXR, February 21, 2009)
(Larry Miller: You know this guy?, the Mormon church’s Deseret News, February 21, 2009,,5143,270013725,00. html)
Utahn of the Year: Larry H. Miller, Mormon Incorporated’s Salt Lake Tribune, February 21, 2009
Delaware license plate number 189888 BMW [Brave Mormon World], 9th Street Park Slope, February 21Reader, CIA agent Justin Abernathy (one of the Mormon CIA agents who secretly do not go along with their church’s satanic hidden agenda) asked me to tell you that, if you’re looking for real excitement, intrigue, and adventure, don’t waste your time watching CIA produced mind-control movies and CIA produced mind-control television programs and CIA produced mind-control books (Mormon Incorporated would give away free copies of Twilight and other books written by CIA Mormon Stephanie Meyers, and Harry Potter books written by CIA-M16 agent J.K. Rowling, if they weren’t fearful that some of the people might look that gift horse in the mouth), instead, learn how to read Level 3 Communication, the “Rosetta Stone” language of Mormon CIA Bluebird Blueflies, and their cohorts. Support the free press by buying a newspaper every day, and, as you become familiar with recognizing hate symbols(
hate_symbols/default.asp), spend some time analyzing headlines, articles, photographs, and especially, wording in advertisements. Before taking a look at the following men and women who have died while Congressmen and Congresswomen, or died while campaigning for, or thinking about campaigning for, a Congressional seat, from 1998 to the present, I must document that, according to CIA agent Justin Abernathy, there have been a few situations where a person, CIA agent, was reported dead but was in fact given a new identity and a new assignment. He did not elaborate, but I know he was not referring to John Kennedy Jr or his wife or his sister-in-law, or any of the elderly white males, or the middle age white male, or the black male, or either of the two Asians, or either of the three black females. I asked CIA agent David Abernathy if Jennifer Dunn is a Mormon, and he didn’t say. I asked him if Hillary Clinton is a Mormon, and he didn’t say yes, and he didn’t say no.
The wreckage of John F. Kennedy’s single-engine aircraft shows no evidence so far that it experienced a fire, in-flight breakup or engine problems before it crashed into the Atlantic Ocean and killed Kennedy and two others July 16, the National Transportation Safety Board said in a statement issued yesterday. …
Kennedy’s Piper Saratoga was on approach to Martha’s Vineyard when it made a series of turns and then fell from the sky at 9:41 p.m., killing Kennedy, his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, 33, and her sister, Lauren Bessette, 34.
(Kennedy Plane Fond to Be Fully Functional, Washington Post, July 31, 1999)
I do not suggest that any of the Mormon CIA agents of the Washington Post infer or boast that there was foul play. I suggest that some of the CIA agents who are pretending to be Jehovah’s Witnesses in Washington DC suggest that there most definitely is the odor of stenchingly foul play, and they want me to document that there is.
cc Mormon CIA Danites and Danettes, Cowboys and Cowgals, Bluebirds and Blueflies, Hungry Jacques and Knittering Jills, Pay the Pipers and Pay the PiperettesJohn F. Kennedy, Jr. was the son of president John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and the younger brother of Caroline Kennedy. John Jr. appeared as a three-year-old in one of the most famous film clips of the 1960s, saluting his father’s casket after the president was assassinated in 1963. As an adult Kennedy studied law and worked for a few years in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office; later he founded the political magazine George. JFK Jr. was a famously eligible bachelor before finally marrying the former Carolyn Bessette in 1996. Kennedy, his wife and her sister were all killed in 1999 when a private plane piloted by Kennedy crashed in the Atlantic Ocean near Martha’s Vineyard. … intense political pressure to run for office included New York Democrats urging him to run for seats vacated by Rep. Ted Weiss and later, the Senate seat that Daniel Patrick Moynihan would vacate, and which former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, also a Democrat, secured in 2000. One private poll, according to the British newspaper the Guardian, had JFK Jr. sporting a 65 – percent approval rating.
(John F. Kennedy, Jr., Douglas Coverdell (January 20, 1939–July 18, 2000) was a United States Senator from Georgia, elected for the first time in 1992 and re-elected in 1998, and director of the Peace Corps from 1989 until 1991. Coverdell died of a cerebral hemorrhage while serving in the United States Senate. (
Melvin Eugene Carnahan (February 11, 1934, Birch Tree, Missouri–October 17, 2000, Goldman, Missouri) was an American politician who was Governor (D) of Missouri from 1993 to 2000. He died in a plane crash on the Pevely and Hillsboro, Missouri, border during a campaign for the U.S. Senate, after which he was elected posthumously to the office. … In 2000, Mel Carnahan ran for U.S. Senate, opposing the incumbent Republican, John Ashcroft. It was a heated, intense campaign in which Carnahan traveled all over the state to garner support in what was a very close race. Early on October 17, 2000, just three weeks before the election and the night before a presidential debate to be held in St. Louis at Washington University, the twin-engine Cessna airplane piloted by the Governor’s son, Randy, crashed on a heavily forested hillside during a rainstorm and foggy conditions near Goldman, Missouri, about 35 miles south of St. Louis. All three occupants of the plane – Governor Carnahan, his son Randy, and Chris Sifford, campaign advisor and former chief of staff to the governor – died in the crash. (
Julian Carey Dixon (August 8, 1934 – December 8, 2000) was an American politician from the state of California.
Dixon was born in Washington D.C. and served in the United States Army from 1957 to 1960. He graduated from California State University, Los Angeles. He was elected to the California State Assembly as a Democrat in 1972, and served in that body for three terms. Dixon was elected to the House of Representatives in 1978. He chaired the rules committee at the 1984 Democratic National Convention and the ethics probe into Speaker Jim Wright. Dixon won re-election to the 107th United States Congress, but died of a heart attack in December 2000. ( Matsu Takemoto Mink (Japanese: …; December 6, 1927–September 28, 2002) was an American politician from the U.S. state of Hawaii. Mink was a Japanese American and member of the Democratic Party; she also was the Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. Mink served in the U.S. House of Representatives for a total of 12 terms, representing Hawaii’s second congressional district. While in Congress she was noted for authoring the Title IX Amendment of the Higher Education Act. Mink won her last election after her death in 2002. She was the first Asian American woman elected to Congress. …
On August 30, 2002, Mink was hospitalized in Honolulu’s Straub Clinic and Hospital with complications from chickenpox. Her condition steadily worsened, and on September 28, 2002, Mink died in Honolulu of viral pneumonia, at age 74. … Mink’s death occurred one week after the 2002 primary election, too late for her name to be removed from the general election ballot. On November 5, 2002, Mink was posthumously re-elected to Congress. Her vacant seat was filled by Ed Case after a special election on January 4, 2003.
( Strom Thurmond (December 5, 1902 – June 26, 2003) was an American politician who served as governor of South Carolina and as a United States Senator. He also ran for the Presidency of the United States in 1948 as the segregationist States Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrat) candidate, receiving 2.4% of the popular vote and 39 electoral votes. Thurmond later represented South Carolina in the United States Senate from 1954 to April 1956 and November 1956 to 2003, at first as a Democrat and after 1964 as a Republican, switching parties as the conservative base shifted. He served as Senator through the 1990s, and left office at age 100 as the oldest serving and longest-serving senator in U.S. history (although he was later surpassed in the latter by Robert Byrd).[1] Thurmond holds the record for the longest serving Dean of the United States Senate in U.S. history at 14 years. He conducted the longest filibuster ever by a U.S. Senator in opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1957. He later moderated his position on race, but continued to defend his early segregationist campaigns on the basis of states’ rights in the context of Southern society at the time,[2] never fully renouncing his earlier viewpoints.[3][4] He is the only US Senator to reach the age of 100 while still in office. (
Robert Takeo Matsui (…, September 17, 1941 – January 1, 2005[1]) was an American politician from the state of California. Matsui was a member of the Democratic Party and served 13 terms (although elected to 14) in the U.S. House of Representatives as the congressman for California’s 5th congressional district.[1][2] …
During his term he was noted for his staunch opposition to privatization of Social Security. …
Matsui entered Bethesda Naval Hospital on December 24, 2004 with pneumonia.[2] It was a complication from Myelodysplastic syndrome, a rare stem cell disorder that causes an inability of the bone marrow to produce blood products, such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. He died on January 1, 2005, at 10:10 p.m. EDT. ( Millender-McDonald (September 7, 1938 – April 22, 2007) was an American politician who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1996 until her death in 2007, representing California’s 37th congressional district, which includes most of South Central Los Angeles and the city of Long Beach, California. She was a member of the Democratic Party.
On December 19, 2006, Millender-McDonald was named Chairwoman of the House Committee on House Administration for the 110th Congress. She was the first African-American woman to chair the committee. … Within a week of her requesting a leave of absence to deal with her illness, on April 22, 2007, Millender-McDonald died in hospice care,[3][4] succumbing to colon cancer at the age of 68 at her home in Carson. ( Blackburn Dunn (July 29, 1941 – September 5, 2007) was a prominent Republican member of the United States House of Representatives 1993–2005, representing Washington’s 8th congressional district. … Dunn collapsed and died of a pulmonary embolism in 2007, in her Alexandria, Virginia apartment.[2][3][4] (
Julia May Carson (July 8, 1938 – December 15, 2007), born Julia May Porter, was a member of the United States House of Representatives for Indiana’s 7th congressional district from 1997 until her death in 2007 (numbered as the 10th District from 1997 to 2003). Carson was the first woman and first African American to represent the 7th District. (
Thomas Peter Lantos (February 1, 1928–February 11, 2008)[2] was a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives from 1981 until his death, representing the northern two-thirds of San Mateo County and a portion of southwest San Francisco. Lantos had announced in early January 2008 that he would not run for reelection because of cancer of the esophagus,[3][4] but died before finishing his term. Lantos was the only Holocaust survivor to have served in the United States Congress. (
white maleStephanie Tubbs Jones (September 10, 1949–August 20, 2008)[1][2][3] was a Democratic politician and member of the United States House of Representatives. She represented the 11th District of Ohio, which encompasses most of downtown and eastern Cleveland and many of the eastern suburbs in Cuyahoga County, including Euclid, Cleveland Heights, and Shaker Heights. She was the first African American woman to be elected to Congress from Ohio.
On December 19, 2006, Tubbs Jones was named Chairwoman of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct for the 110th Congress. She was also a member of the House Ways and Means Committee.
On August 19, 2008, Tubbs Jones was found unconscious in her car, having suffered a cerebral hemorrhage due to a burst aneurysm in her brain. She was taken to an East Cleveland hospital, where she died the next day.[4] ( is the craft of conveying news, descriptive material and comment via a widening spectrum of media. These include newspapers, magazines, radio and television, the internet and, more recently, the cellphone. Journalists—be they writers, editors or photographers; broadcast presenters or producers—serve as the chief purveyors of information and opinion in contemporary mass society. “News is what the consensus of journalists determines it to be.” [1]
From informal beginnings in the Europe of the 18th century, stimulated by the arrival of mechanized printing—in due course by mass production and in the 20th century by electronic communications technology—today’s engines of journalistic enterprise include large corporations with global reach.
The formal status of journalism has varied historically and, still varies vastly, from country to country. The modern state and hierarchical power structures in general have tended to see the unrestricted flow of information as a potential threat, and inimical to their own proper function. Hitler described the Press as a “machine for mass instruction,” ideally, a “kind of school for adults.” [2] Journalism at its most vigorous, by contrast, tends to be propelled by the implications at least of the attitude epitomized by the Australian journalist John Pilger: “Secretive power loathes journalists who do their job, who push back screens, peer behind façades, lift rocks. Opprobrium from on high is their badge of honour.” ( term Fourth Estate refers to the press. The term goes back at least to Thomas Carlyle in the first half of the 19th century. Thomas Macaulay used it in 1828.
Novelist Jeffrey Archer in his work The Fourth Estate made the observation: “In May 1789, Louis XVI summoned to Versailles a full meeting of the ‘Estates General‘. The First Estate consisted of three hundred clergy. The Second Estate, three hundred nobles. The Third Estate, six hundred commoners. Some years later, after the French Revolution, Edmund Burke, looking up at the Press Gallery of the House of Commons, said, ‘Yonder sits the Fourth Estate, and they are more important than them all.'” ( World Association of Newspapers (WAN) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization made up of 76 national newspaper associations, 12 news agencies, 10 regional press organisations and individual newspaper executives in 100 countries.
Founded in 1948, the association represents more than 18,000 publications on five continents. Newspapers represent a 190 billion US dollar business globally with 1.6 billion readers a day. Newspapers are the world’s second largest advertising medium (29.8%), exceeding the combined budget of radio, outdoor, cinema, magazines and the internet. Combined with magazines, print is the world’s largest advertising medium with a 42 percent share.
WAN’s main objectives are to:
- defend and promote press freedom and the economic independence of newspapers as an essential condition for that freedom.
- support the development of newspaper publishing around the world by fostering communications and contacts between newspaper executives from different regions and cultures.
- promote co-operation between its member organisations, whether national, regional or worldwide.
In pursuit of these objectives, the World Association of Newspapers:
- represents the newspaper industry in all international discussions on media issues, to defend both press freedom and the professional and business interests of the press.
- promotes a worldwide exchange of information and ideas on producing better and more profitable newspapers;
- opposes restrictions of all kinds on the free flow of information, on the circulation of newspapers and on advertising;
- campaigns vigorously against press freedom violations and obstacles;
- helps newspapers in developing countries, through training and other co-operation projects;
- channels legal, material and humanitarian aid to victimised publishers and journalists;
WAN is a member of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange, a global network of non-governmental organizations that monitors free expression violations worldwide and defends journalists, writers, Internet users and others who are persecuted for exercising their right to freedom of expression.
( Newspaper Guild is a labor union founded by newspaper journalists in 1933 who noticed that unionized printers and truck drivers were making more money than they did. In addition to improving wages and working conditions, its constitution says its purpose is to fight for honesty in journalism and the news industry’s business practices. (
The National Press Club is one of the world’s leading professional organizations for journalists. It is located in Washington, D.C. Its membership consists of journalists, former journalists, government information officers, and those considered to be regular news sources. It is well-known for its gatherings with invited speakers from public life. (
The Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) of North America is a non-profit circulation-auditing organization. It is one of several organizations, operating in different parts of the world, that audits circulation, readership, and audience information for the magazines, newspapers, and other publications produced by their members.
ABC is a forum of the magazine and newspaper publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies, similar to BPA Worldwide. As a non-profit association, ABC is funded by dues and service fees by advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers. ABC provides credible, verified information critical to the media buying and selling process by conducting independent, third-party audits of print circulation, readership and Web site activity. ABC also maintains an electronic database of audited circulation and readership media.
(Audit Bureau of Circulations UK,
(Level 3 Communication,
(L3 Communication, Federation of Journalists, IFJ, is global union federation of journalists‘ trade unions—the largest in the world. The organization aims to protect and strengthen the rights and freedoms of journalists. It is also dedicated to working for solidarity, social justice, labor rights, globalization, democracy, human rights, and fighting poverty and corruption.
First founded in Paris in 1926, the federation was relaunched twice in 1946 and in 1952. Today, the IFJ represents around 600,000 members in more than 100 countries. The main office is located in Brussels, Belgium. ( associations/
cc CIA Mormon “Michael J. Fox”, Utah PressDateline: 02/06/00
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton became the first wife of a U.S. President to run for national elected office when she officially announced her candidacy for U.S. Senate from New York State on Sunday.
“Because I believe we can meet these challenges together, I am honored today to announce my candidacy for the United States Senate from New York,” announced Mrs. Clinton as the President and crowd of about 2000 gave her a standing ovation. (U.S. Government Info,
(Hillary Clinton,
To do. Put this picture with the rest of Mormon Incorporated’s red/orange symbolsDivine Prophecy:
Caroline Kennedy will be elected president of the United States in November 2012.
Jim Turner of Texas will be elected vice president of the United States in November 2012.
Robert Kennedy Jr. will be nominated and confirmed attorney general of the United States in January 2013. Robert Mueller will still be or will resume being director of the FBI.
Michael J. Fox will be elected to the United States Senate (not the fake Michael J. Fox in Utah; I’m talking about the real Michael J. Fox who probably did not know he was marrying a cunning Mormon CIA vixen).
Trustworthy men and women in the CIA, FBI, DIA, DEA, Secret Service and other agencies and chiefs of police, will work with their counterparts in other nations to begin a real war on terror, a real war on crime including a real war on drugs and weapons, and there will even be a real war on junk food, and junk television/movies/books/music, junk toys, and junk education.
And a real war on neo-Nazi neo-KKK neo-Mafia takeover of scientific research and development.
The LEGAL CASE, to be held in the Hague, will be broadcast live, on CSPAN, reaching homes in every nation on earth (although some stations in some other nations will be able to and will broadcast the proceedings live, too).
The LEGAL CASE will last for years, decades. (Ponder Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 14.)
I sound like a crazy woman, I know.
A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!
My favorite part is the advertising at the end. You’d think, given this guy’s paranoia, he’d be opposed to his email service tacking on advertisements to his email. Oh well.
Oh, and FYI, I didn’t read 90% of it. I’m too busy. So if anyone has the time to read these ramblings and you find something good, be sure to comment about it.
The divine propecy at the end is kind of interesting (since he gives some specific predictions (with dates!) that — I prophesy for you today — will not come to pass. The crazy story at the beginning (about the Mormon CIA agents hypnotizing his daughter) is kind of interesting too. But the middle bit seems to lend itself to scrolling. Maybe someone with more patience can figure it out…
What da?
Wow. I have no words.
That is some premium-grade crazy going on there. Of course, I’m just a Mormon CIA Gremblin, so you can take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
Wow! He reads like a surrealist. I am guessing that he really is paranoid but not paranoid enough to keep from emailing.
Paranoid schizophrenia. I’m not a doctor, and I’m generally sceptical of even a doctor’s ability to diagnose without a full examination, but sometimes it’s just obvious. Kind of funny but very sad at the same time.
Just another nutter. He imagines that researchers will publish his stuff.
The good thing is that he blasted his message to several people. So you do not need to be particularly concerned.
On the other hand, he might google your post and single you out.
Don’t feed the troll.
this guy has been bugging me for the past few months. I’ve filed complaints with AOL and sent him various emails about harassment but he never responds.
Somehow he found my university email address as well, which is funny because it’s not published anywhere…
He must target university faculty. I wonder if there is any way to shut him down? CANSPAM?
ugh. we’ve been getting mail from this guy for years now. we’re a nyc gov agency. i put him on a black list, but i dunno how he’s getting thru now. ugh.
I just found your post while I was googling around to try to find the identity of the very same lunatic.
We don’t study Mormonism, but we are a University Pysch Dept. Here’s an excerpt of the text:
To CIA agent Dan Gilbert: (I was told that your schedule is quite hectic so I am sending this email to your colleagues at Harvard Psychology Department in hopes that it will reach you today, just in case you do not check regularly for emails.) CIA agent Newt Haven from Ohio, visiting here in Park Slope this past weekend, asked me to send a message to you so that you can notify some of the Mormon CIA agents who’re pretending to be Jehovah’s Witnesses in Boston so they can then notify some of the Mormon CIA agents who’re pretending to be Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn Heights, Patterson New York and Wallkill New York, to let them know, confirmed, I did receive the message from Vatican agents who’re pretending to be Jehovah’s Witnesses in Italy and in Poland, so, I did send to the Mormon CIA agent in charge of Southern University New Orleans and Shreveport (and I sent a copy to Dillard, too, however, I did not have time to look for and find Deseret News Dillard sale), the following:
I hope this isn’t a continuing pattern. and I still have no info on who he is. We get lots of crazy letters around here, but this one was weird (with all the web content pasted in). Who knows. If only I was a clinical psychologist, I could diagnose!
i got the same e-mail! at my university! and ive also been googling to find out what it is about….its been happening to multiple universities. it is a little scary that no one knows who it is from. now i know that the gov can track the address and where it was sent from so why is no one doing it! its scares me that someone can have access to so many university emails!
Just got an email update from him saying he won’t send anymore emails so long as no one messes with his website. Here’s his site:
This guy is a lunatic and emails on a daily basis. Have no idea where he originates from, but i can confirm he always sends emails to all major media names and publishing powerhouses around the world.
He needs to croak some time soon.
This GUY is actually a woman. 😉
She sends e-mails to all the big name news media on a regular basis.