The polls are now closed — you can see the final results and links to all of the nominees here.
Best LDS-Interest Podcast or Video Channel 2020/2021: Mormonism Live with Bill Reel and RFM
Best LDS-Interest Fiction 2020/2021: The Prodigal Daughter, by Mette Ivie Harrison
Best LDS-Interest Analysis (Book) 2020/2021: Queer Mormon Theology, by Blaire Ostler
Best LDS History Book or Documentary 2020/2021: Murder Among the Mormons
Best LDS-Interest Memoir 2020/2021: a tie between Sealed: An Unexpected Journey into the Heart of Grace, by Katie Langston, and Why We Have NO CONTACT With My Mormon In-Laws, by ExmoLex
Most Insightful LDS-Interest Analysis Piece 2020/2021: The Rise of the Celebrated Celibate and Single Sexual Minority in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by Nathan Kitchen
Best Exit Story 2020/2021: Why I left the Mormon Church, by Johnny Harris
Funniest LDS-Interest Humor Piece 2020/2021: Pioneer Day: The World’s Greatest Holiday, by Eli McCann
Most Entertaining LDS-Interest Review 2020/2021: The Long Road Back: A 1965 Mormon Film About Chastity. I Think, by Eli McCann
Congrats to all the winners and to everyone who participated!! As always, we have little badges that you can display on your website if you like:

Congrats to all the winners and nominees!