It’s that time of year again!! Time to reflect upon the past year and recognize the most interesting parts. Here at Main Street Plaza, that means electing the William Law X-Mormon of the Year!!
The Wm. Law X-Mormon of the Year should be the X-Mormon who made the biggest splash in the past year. This award is for real-life actions or activism, i.e. getting into the news — nominations for artistic works should be saved for the Brodie Awards, which will begin next week.
As always, you don’t have to have gotten excommunicated this year to win X-Mormon of the Year but it doesn’t hurt!
This year it looks like the most likely winner will be David Archuleta. Of course maybe not — I guessed wrong last year as you can see here and here.
Please add your own nominations in the comments below!
Jacinda Ardern (who’s been nominated before). I like how she responded when a reporter asked if she met with another female world leader because of their similar sex and age. After growing up in such a patriarchal religion, she was quick in her response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QThvFHfdHBM
Nemo the Mormon, or Douglas Stillgoe, for showing that objecting to the sustaining of the Q15 goes nowhere. It’s all for show. The Q15 are only accountable to themselves.
Here are the nomination threads on Reddit:
Thanks for all of the nominations — keep ’em coming!
The following nominations were made on the Reddit threads:
* David Archuleta
* Russell M Nelson (since he’s not “Mormon” anymore)
* Lindsay Hansen Park for her work on Under the Banner of Heaven
* Sandra Tanner
* Nemo the Mormon
* James Huntsman, who appealed his tithing fraud lawsuit against the CoJCoL-dS in 2022: https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2022/02/04/read-james-huntsmans/
* Mark Hoffman
Reddit nominations that are for creative works, hence will be moved to the Brodie Awards:
* TreeTableBenchGrass https://old.reddit.com/user/treetablebenchgrass
* uncorrelated mormon https://old.reddit.com/user/uncorrolated-mormon
* Radio Free Mormon
* Exmo Lex
OK, so I got some further clarification of the X-Mormon of the Year nominations from reddit:
Nemo the Mormon is nominated for an exchange with Dallin H. Oaks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_8JHKe8amo
Given the contents of his document ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdHLi4JH1SC5dMsaVX60mwvLECox5Qe9/view ), I think he’ll be a better candidate next year when he gets Ex’d… (I’m not saying he should be or deserves to be Ex’d, it’s just a hunch)
Lindsay Hansen Park for her work on “Under the Banner of Heaven” — the following is provided by https://old.reddit.com/user/Chino_Blanco :
Nominations for creative works to be moved to the Brodies:
Jennette McCurdy: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Im-Glad-My-Mom-Died/Jennette-McCurdy/9781982185824
@Nuanceho, a.k.a. Carah Burrell: http://utahpodcastnetwork.com/2022/03/13/cre8tivity-159/
What about Evan Smith – a former Mormon bishop opened deep discussions on gay belonging in the Church, wrote a book to urge more inclusiveness, all before his son came out to him. He and has family ultimately decided to leave: